Hour Ahead Market definition

Hour Ahead Market has the meaning set forth in the NYISO Rules.
Hour Ahead Market or "HAM" has the meaning set forth in Section 10.01.

Examples of Hour Ahead Market in a sentence

  • For External Installed Capacity associated with Import Rights, demonstrate the ability to deliver Energy to the NYCA border for the time the Energy may be scheduled in the DAM, included in the Hour Ahead Market (HAM), or pursuant to an SRE, as applicable.

  • The price for such replacement shall be at the Market Clearing Price in the Hour- Ahead Market for the Ancillary Service for the Settlement Period concerned for the Zone in which the Generating Unit or other resources on behalf of which the Scheduling Coordinator buys back the capacity, are located.

  • This information shall be delivered no later than 9:30 a.m. for trades in the Day-Ahead Market for the following day, and no later than two hours and twenty minutes prior to the start of the delivery hour for trades in the Hour- Ahead Market.

  • The above deadlines for DWR were set because the ISO Day-Ahead Market closed at 10:00 a.m. on the day before delivery and the ISO Hour- Ahead Market closed two hours before the delivery hour.

  • As necessary to comply with Applicable Reliability Criteria, the ISO shall reduce any non-zero Final Hour-Ahead Schedules across zero-rated transmission paths to zero after the close of the Hour- Ahead Market.

  • Scheduling Coordinators may submit Balanced Schedules for up to seven (7) Trading Days at a time, representing the Scheduling Coordinator’s Preferred Schedule for each Day-Ahead Market and/or Hour- Ahead Market.

  • Such amended supplier schedules shall be provided to the Scheduling Coordinators no later than the close of the Hour- Ahead Market for the first Settlement Period of the Trading Day.Once the ISO has given Scheduling Coordinators notice of the Day-Ahead and Hour-Ahead Schedules, these schedules represent binding commitments made in the markets between the ISO and the Scheduling Coordinators concerned, subject to any amendments issued as described above.

  • Hour Ahead Market – for the hour-ahead market, we use hourly weather forecast for next 48 hours, updated hourly.

  • The propositions shown in this section are used in Section IV to formulate the constraints of the optimization problem that determines the desired level of RS to be offered to the Hour Ahead Market.

  • Therefore, it has agreed to its obligations to respect, protect and fulfill its peoples’ human rights.

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