Examples of HSG 248 in a sentence
Using standard polarised light microscopy (PLM) as detailed in the Analyst’s Guide (HSG 248) it may not be possible to identify very fine asbestos fibres such as those present in some textured coatings.
When requested, the individual sub sample scheduled will be analysed in house for the presence of asbestos fibres and asbestos containing material by our documented in house method TM048 based on HSG 248 (2005), which is accredited to ISO17025.
All techniques used were in strict accordance with SGS documented in-house method, using SOP 10 based upon HSE document (HSG 248) Asbestos: The analysts’ guide for sampling, analysis and clearance procedures.
Air quality monitoring will be undertaken throughout asbestos removal works in accordance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, the Analysts’ Guide (HSG 248) and relevant HSE Guidance Notes and be carried out by an Asbestos Consultant independent of the Main Contractor or the Licensed Asbestos Contractor.
Certain artex coatings contain so little asbestos that its detection is not always possible in light of current knowledge and technology, using the techniques as prescribed in HSG 264 Asbestos: The Survey Guide and (HSG 248) Asbestos: The analysts’ guide for sampling, analysis and clearance procedures.
The water absorption method is described in the ACoP and in the autumn 2006 issue of Fibre Aspects; it will also be in the revised HSG 248.
Surveying, sampling and analysis must be carried out in accordance with HS(G) 248 “Asbestos: The analyst guide for sampling, analysis and clearance procedures and HS(G) 264 The survey guide” Licensed Asbestos removal contractorAsbestos removal contractors appointed by CHA must be licensed by HSE.
The survey will be undertaken strictly in accordance with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and the appropriate HSE guidance (HSG 248 & 264).
Namely: • Dee Fitzgerald (Certificate No. 120505/028) May 2005 The bulk analysis of suspect materials was safely transported to:• TVS Analysis Limited (on behalf of GP Asbestos & Maintenance Ltd) where the samples were analysed in accordance with the laboratory ‘in – house method’, based on HSG 248, using stereomicroscopy, polarised light microscopy and dispersion staining.
For # HSG 248 consolidates and updates HSE technical guidance previously published as EH10, MDHS 39 and MDHS 77.some exposures, substantially more fibres may be present than are actually counted.