Hybrid Instruments definition
Examples of Hybrid Instruments in a sentence
B Hybrid Instruments Current law contains anti-avoidance rules that deal with hybrid debt instruments (i.e. debt instruments with equity features) as well as hybrid equity instruments (equity instruments with debt features).
The Role of Hybrid Instruments in the Implementation of Business Tax Policy.
The Reserve Bank of India [vide Master Circular DBOD.No.BP.BC.57/21.01.002/2005-2006 Dt. 25th Jan, 2006] has allowed banks to raise Capital through issue of Hybrid Instruments as under for augmenting Capital Adequacy Norms: a.
For example, it may be necessary to analyze whether certain of such Notes are exempt or excluded from regulation under Section 2(f) of the Commodity Exchange Act of 1922, as amended (the “CEA”), under the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Statutory Interpretation Concerning Certain Hybrid Instruments (55 Federal Register 13582, April 11, 1990) (the so-called “Statutory Interpretation”) or Part 34 under the CEA (the so-called “Hybrid Exemption”).
For example, it may be necessary to analyze whether certain of such Notes are exempt or excluded from regulation under the Commodity Exchange Act of 1922, as amended (the “CEA”), under the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Statutory Interpretation Concerning Certain Hybrid Instruments (55 Federal Register 13582, April 11, 1990) (the so-called “Statutory Interpretation”) or Rule 34 under the CEA (the so-called “Hybrid Exemption”).