Examples of Hydraulically connected in a sentence
Hydraulically connected — as a result of natural or artificial pressure, water from one location can move water at another location within water infrastructure, a watercourse or a saturated media in a relatively rapid manner.
Historical wave climate and Sea Level (from 1992 to 2015), 30m resolution of DTM and Hydraulically connected bathtub approach for coastal flooding using GIS algorithm.
Pagbilao): Historical wave climate and Sea Level (from 1992 to 2015), 5m resolution of DTM and Hydraulically connected bathtub approach for coastal flooding using GIS algorithm.2- Tropical Cyclones:a.
Hydraulically connected to overlying Shepparton Subsystem to varying degreesLachlanThe Lachlan and Cowra Subsystems are the highland equivalents of the Calivil and Shepparton Subsystems respectively, and their occurrence is relatively minor in the regionCowra SubsystemSheppartonCoarse river deposited sands and gravels.
Hydraulically connected groundwaterMeans groundwater that is laterally connected to a river, with a stream depletion factor less than 100 days calculated using the method published by Jenkins, C T (1977) Computation of rate and volume of stream depletion by wells, in Techniques of Water Resources Investigation of the United States Geological Survey, Chapter D1, Book 4, 3rd printing.