Hydrologic Unit Code definition
Examples of Hydrologic Unit Code in a sentence
Note that the Basin Plan HUC is not the same as a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit Code (USGS HUC).
The theta band reveals prominent activations in the left and right brain's frontal, central/parietal, and parietal areas.
The project is located in a Hydrologic Unit Code HUC-12 watershed, identified by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GAEPD) as a priority watershed for water quality purposes.
For the purposes of this Agreement, Hydrologic Unit Code (“HUC”) shall refer to those divisions as defined by the United States Geological Survey (“USGS”).
Different versions of computer software may be the limiting factor on just how much your computer will allow you to copy and paste into the table.• Waterbody Name – from RMMS or Integrated Report• The AUID is the Illinois EPA Assessment Unit ID - Integrated Report• The HUC is the Hydrologic Unit Code.