Identity Theft Protection Act definition
Examples of Identity Theft Protection Act in a sentence
Section 1-11-490.(b) South Carolina Financial Identity Fraud and Identity Theft Protection Act (FIFITPA), 2008 Act 190, as amended.
CONTRACTOR, and its subcontractors to comply with the Oregon Identity Theft Protection Act (OITPA), ORS Sections 646A.600 through 646A.628.
Contractor and subcontractors shall comply with the Oregon Consumer Identity Theft Protection Act (ORS 646A.600 et seq.).
Contractor must have and maintain appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the security, confidentiality, and integrity of consumer personal information pursuant to ORS 646A.622(2), and agrees to comply with all other provisions of the Oregon Consumer Identity Theft Protection Act (ORS 646.600 et seq.) throughout the term of this Contract.
Identity Theft Protection Act (2004 Public Act 442, as amended by Public Act 566 of 2006).
The Contractor understands the cost reflects violation fines identified by the Michigan Social Security Number Privacy Act, 454 of 2004 and the Michigan Identity Theft Protection Act, Act 452 of 2004 as amended.
Therefore, prior to the receipt of, and during the period in which Contractor has possession of or access to, any Personal Information, Contractor shall have in place, a formal written information security program that provides safeguards to protect Personal Information from loss, theft, and disclosure to unauthorized persons, as required by the Oregon Consumer Identity Theft Protection Act, ORS 646A.600-646A.628.
Contractor shall develop and implement appropriate privacy safeguards to protect the security of any consumer personal information that it will possess in its performance of this contract pursuant to the Oregon Consumer Identity Theft Protection Act of 2007, ORS 646A.600 to 646A.628.
If Contractor experiences a security breach, as defined in N.C.G.S. §75.61(14), relating to this information, in addition to the Contractor’s responsibilities under the NC Identity Theft Protection Act, Contractor shall immediately notify the University with a minimum of information required under N.C.G.S. 75-65 and shall fully cooperate with the University.
Prior to the receipt of, and during the period in which Contractor has possession of or access to, any Personal Information, Contractor shall have and maintain a formal written information security program that provides safeguards to protect Personal Information from loss, theft, and disclosure to unauthorized persons, as required by the Oregon Consumer Identity Theft Protection Act, ORS 646A.600-646A.628.