If Designated Sample Clauses

If Designated. If the HSP is Designated it will: (a) apply the principles of Active Offer in the provision of services; (b) continue to provide services to the public in French in accordance with the provisions of the FLSA; (c) maintain its French language services capacity; (d) submit a French language implementation report to the Funder on the date specified by the Funder, and thereafter, on each anniversary of that date, or on such other dates as the Funder may, by Notice, require; and (e) collect and submit to the Funder as requested by the Funder from time to time, French language services data.
If Designated. If the HSP is Designated it will:
If Designated. If the HSP is Designated it will: (a) apply the principles of Active Offer in the provision of services; (b) continue to provide services to the public in French in accordance with the provisions of the FLSA; (c) maintain its French language services capacity; (d) submit a French language implementation report to the LHIN on the date specified by the LHIN, and thereafter, on each anniversary of that date, or on such other dates as the LHIN may, by Notice, require; and, LONG-TERM CARE HOME SERVICE ACCOUNTABILITY AGREEMENT APRIL 1, 2019 - MARCH 31, 2022 17/42‌ (e) collect and submit to the LHIN as requested by the LHIN from time to time, French language services data.
If Designated. If the HSP is Designated it will: apply the principles of Active Offer in the provision of services; continue to provide services to the public in French in accordance with the provisions of the FLSA ; maintain its French language services capacity; submit a French language implementation report to the LHIN on the date specified by the LHIN, and thereafter, on each anniversary of that date, or on such other dates as the LHIN may, by notice, require; collect and submit to the LHIN as requested by the LHIN from time to time, French language services data.
If Designated. If the HSP is Designated it will: (a) appIy the principIeç of Active Offer in the proviçion of çerviceç; (b) continue to provide çerviceç to the pubIic in French in accordance with the proviçionç of the FLSA; (c) maintain itç French Ianguage çerviceç capacity; (d) submit a French language implementation report to the LHIN on the date çpecified by the LHIN, and thereafter, on each anniverçary of that date, or on çuch other dateç aç the LHIN may, by Notice, require; and, (e) collect and submit to the LHIN as requested by the LHIN from time to time, French Ianguage çerviceç data.