IHS Beneficiary definition

IHS Beneficiary means an American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN) who is eligible for services from IHS in accordance with 42 C.F.R. 136.12 and is a registered user of the IHS (registered in the IHS Resource and Patient Management System (RPMS)).

Examples of IHS Beneficiary in a sentence

  • The IHS Practitioner may establish a patient-practitioner relationship with an IHS Beneficiary through Telehealth and Related Technologies.

  • PROVIDER is responsible for billing for all services furnished, regardless of whether the IHS Beneficiary is enrolled in Medicaid or covered by another alternate resource.

  • The term “Medicaid Enrolled IHS Beneficiary” means an IHS Beneficiary who is enrolled in the South Dakota Medicaid program.

  • Covered IHS Facility will not require a Medicaid-enrolled IHS Beneficiary to receive services from PROVIDER, whether through a care coordination agreement described in section V of this Agreement or otherwise.

  • PROVIDER shall not condition the provision of services to a Medicaid-Enrolled IHS Beneficiary on a Request for Services from IHS.

  • Within no more than [ ] days of furnishing the specified services for the IHS Beneficiary, PROVIDER will transmit, electronically or in writing, the medical information, test results, and any diagnostic findings and treatment recommendations resulting from the provision of the service to the requesting IHS Practitioner directly or through the IHS care coordinator.

  • As described in the State Health Official Letter 16-002 (February 26, 2016), the intent of this care coordination arrangement is to ensure that IHS/638 practitioners will remain responsible for a patient who is a Medicaid-enrolled IHS Beneficiary and be able to coordinate and manage the care furnished to a patient of the IHS/638 facility upon a Request for Services, so that an individual will receive appropriate care regardless of whether or not the rendering provider is an IHS employee.

  • In the case of an IHS Beneficiary who is not enrolled in Medicaid, the services provided pursuant to this Agreement must be requested by an IHS Practitioner and be paid for separately, in accordance with Purchased/Referred Care (PRC) program laws and regulations.

  • Upon accepting a Request for Services on behalf of a patient who is an IHS Beneficiary, PROVIDER will furnish the requested service as soon as feasible after the patient contacts the PROVIDER’s practice location.

  • The term “Medicaid Enrolled IHS Beneficiary” means an IHS Beneficiary who is enrolled in the North Dakota Medicaid program.

Related to IHS Beneficiary

  • Income beneficiary means a person to whom net income of a trust is or may be payable.

  • Qualified beneficiary means a beneficiary who, on the date the beneficiary's qualification is determined:

  • primary beneficiary means the individual for whose primary benefit the trust is then held. For purposes of Section 8.3, a Qualified Entity is a member of each Family Group to which such one or more Qualified Trusts that are its equity holders belong.

  • Surviving Spouse means the widow or widower, as the case may be, of a Deceased Participant or a Deceased Beneficiary (as applicable).

  • Refund beneficiary means an individual nominated by a qualified participant or a former qualified participant under section 66 to receive a distribution of the participant's accumulated balance in the manner prescribed in section 67.

  • Former Spouse means the individual who is considered by Applicable Laws to be the Annuitant’s former spouse or common-law partner;

  • Contingent Beneficiary is the person that becomes the Beneficiary if the named Beneficiary dies prior to the Income Date.

  • Surviving beneficiary or "surviving descendant" means a beneficiary or a descendant who did not predecease the decedent and is not considered to have predeceased the decedent under section 2702.

  • Designated Beneficiary means the beneficiary or beneficiaries the Participant designates, in a manner the Administrator determines, to receive amounts due or exercise the Participant’s rights if the Participant dies or becomes incapacitated. Without a Participant’s effective designation, “Designated Beneficiary” will mean the Participant’s estate.

  • Beneficiary means each designated person, or the estate of the deceased Executive, entitled to benefits, if any, upon the death of the Executive, determined according to Article 4.

  • Beneficiary(ies means the beneficiary(ies) designated by the Participant who are entitled to receive any distributions from the Plan payable upon the death of the Participant.

  • Pre-Retirement Survivor Benefit means the benefit set forth in Article 6.

  • land reform beneficiary , in relation to a property, means a person who -

  • Death Benefit means the insurance amount payable under the Certificate at death of the Insured, subject to all Certificate provisions dealing with changes in the amount of insurance and reductions or termination for age or retirement. It does not include any amount that is only payable in the event of Accidental Death.

  • Spouse means, an individual who,

  • Plan Benefit means the benefit payable to a Participant as calculated in Article V.

  • Qualified Beneficiaries has the meaning set forth in Section 4.12.

  • Alternate Payee means any spouse, former spouse, child, or other dependent of a Participant who is recognized by a qualified domestic relations order as having a right to receive all, or a portion of, the benefits payable under a Plan with respect to such Participant.

  • Retired Participant means a person who has been a Participant, but who has become entitled to retirement benefits under the Plan.

  • Remainder beneficiary means a person entitled to receive principal when an income interest ends.

  • Financial Beneficiary means any Principal of the Developer or Applicant entity who receives or will receive any direct or indirect financial benefit from a Development, except as further described in Rule 67-21.0025, F.A.C.

  • Public benefit means making capital available, or facilitating the availability of capital, to businesses in this state that have 750 or fewer employees, the intent of which is to create or retain employment opportunities for residents of this state, stabilize or increase the tax base of this state, or support the redevelopment of facilities for use by small businesses.

  • Disability Benefit means the benefit set forth in Article 8.

  • Eligible Spouse means a spouse of an Eligible Retiree who satisfies the requirements for eligibility described in the Eligibility section of this document, or an ex-spouse who is an Eligible Spouse with rights to coverage as an Eligible Spouse pursuant to a court order recognized by SHARP. A Spouse must be married to retiree at least one year prior to the effective date of retirement. A Spouse married after the retiree’s effective retirement date is considered a non-eligible spouse for purposes of the Plan. [See “Spouse”]

  • Accrued Benefit means the amount standing in a Participant's Account(s) as of any date derived from both Employer contributions and Employee contributions, if any.

  • Net death benefit means the amount of the life insurance policy or certificate to be settled less any outstanding debts or liens.