Examples of Retired Participant in a sentence
A Retired Participant may be reinstated from retirement by the Board of Trustees, and thereafter may become a County Employee in accordance with the provisions governing such service, in the same manner as a person who has not been so retired.
Appointment of a Retired Participant authorized under this Article 12 shall not exceed 960 hours during any fiscal year.
Any Retired Participant may, without reinstatement from retirement or any loss or interruption of benefits under this Plan, serve as an elected County officer, provided, however, that such elected County officer shall not accumulate additional retirement benefits or Pension Trust service credit during the period that he or she shall hold said elective County office.
DROP is an alternative method by which a Service Retirement Allowance is paid to a Retired Participant.
If no such right is set forth in the order, and the Alternate Payee predeceases the Retired Participant, the Alternate Payee’s community property retirement allowance shall cease as of the date of the Alternate Payee’s death and shall revert to the Retired Participant.