II - Expropriation definition

II - Expropriation. In keeping with the provisions of Art. 113 of Law No. 9,472 of 1997, compensation, which shall be paid prior to expropriation, must correspond to the value of the assets which are reverting to the granting authority, minus depreciation;
II - Expropriation. In keeping with the provisions of Art. 113 of Law No. 9,472 of 1997, compensation, which shall be paid prior to expropriation, must correspond to the value of the assets which are reverting to the granting authority, minus depreciation; III Forfeiture: Independently of the application of penalties and the indemnification of damage resulting from breach of contract, under the terms of the Agreement, the Concessionaire may only claim compensation if it is proved that the government will be unjustly enriched through the reversion of assets that have not been completely amortized or depreciated, after deducting the value of the damage incurred and of imposed fines, in addition to any unmet financial obligations;

Examples of II - Expropriation in a sentence

  • CLAUSE 26.1. - The Concession Agreement shall be considered terminated in the event of the following: I - Expiration of the concession period for the service granted hereby, in the event it has not been extended under the terms of this Agreement; II - Expropriation, in accordance with Art.

Related to II - Expropriation

  • Expropriation ’ means the compulsory acquisition of property by an expropriating authority or an organ of state upon request to an expropriating authority, and ‘‘expropriate’’ has a corresponding meaning;

  • Condemnation means a temporary or permanent taking by any Governmental Authority as the result or in lieu or in anticipation of the exercise of the right of condemnation or eminent domain, of all or any part of the Property, or any interest therein or right accruing thereto, including any right of access thereto or any change of grade affecting the Property or any part thereof.

  • Sabotage means deliberate damage, with malevolent intent, to a Category 1 or Category 2 quantity of radioactive material, a device that contains a Category 1 or Category 2 quantity of radioactive material, or the components of the security system.

  • Eminent Domain means the taking of title to, or the temporary use of, the Project or any part thereof pursuant to eminent domain or condemnation proceedings, or any voluntary conveyance of any part of the Project during the pendency of, or as a result of a threat of, such proceedings.

  • Nationalization means, in respect of a Share, that all such Shares or all the assets or substantially all the assets of the applicable Company are nationalized, expropriated or are otherwise required to be transferred to any governmental agency, authority or entity.

  • Appropriation means an authorization granted by a legislative body to incur obligations and to expend public funds for a stated purpose.

  • Pandemic means any outbreaks, epidemics or pandemics relating to SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19, or any evolutions or mutations thereof, and the governmental and other responses thereto.

  • Lender-Related Distress Event means, with respect to any Lender or any person that directly or indirectly controls such Lender (each, a “Distressed Person”), as the case may be, a voluntary or involuntary case with respect to such Distressed Person under any Debtor Relief Law, or a custodian, conservator, receiver or similar official is appointed for such Distressed Person or any substantial part of such Distressed Person’s assets, or such Distressed Person or any person that directly or indirectly controls such Distressed Person is subject to a forced liquidation, or such Distressed Person makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors or is otherwise adjudicated as, or determined by any Governmental Authority having regulatory authority over such Distressed Person or its assets to be, insolvent or bankrupt; provided that a Lender-Related Distress Event shall not be deemed to have occurred solely by virtue of the ownership or acquisition of any equity interests in any Lender or any person that directly or indirectly controls such Lender by a Governmental Authority or an instrumentality thereof.

  • Condemnation Proceeds All awards or settlements in respect of a Mortgaged Property, whether permanent or temporary, partial or entire, by exercise of the power of eminent domain or condemnation, to the extent not required to be released to a Mortgagor in accordance with the terms of the related Mortgage Loan Documents.

  • Nationalisation means that all the Shares or all or substantially all the assets of the Share Company are nationalised, expropriated or otherwise required to be transferred to any governmental agency, authority, entity or instrumentality thereof.

  • Seizure means a legal process carried out by court order against a definite amount of seed.

  • Material Condemnation has the meaning set forth in Section 14.2.1.

  • Catastrophic Damage as used hereunder is major change or damage to In- cluded Timber on Sale Area, to Sale Area, to access to Sale Area, or a combination thereof:

  • Condemnation Event means any act of taking by a public or quasi-public authority through condemnation, reverse condemnation or eminent domain.

  • Casualty shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.2 hereof.

  • Partial Condemnation means any Condemnation which does not constitute a Termination Event.

  • Net Insurance/Condemnation Proceeds means an amount equal to: (a) any Cash payment or proceeds (including Cash Equivalents) received by the Borrower or any of its Restricted Subsidiaries (i) under any casualty insurance policy in respect of a covered loss thereunder of any assets of the Borrower or any of its Restricted Subsidiaries or (ii) as a result of the taking of any assets of the Borrower or any of its Restricted Subsidiaries by any Person pursuant to the power of eminent domain, condemnation, expropriation or otherwise, or pursuant to a sale of any such assets to a purchaser with such power under threat of such a taking, minus (b) (i) any actual out-of-pocket costs incurred by the Borrower or any of its Restricted Subsidiaries in connection with the adjustment, settlement or collection of any claims of the Borrower or the relevant Restricted Subsidiary in respect thereof, (ii) payment of the outstanding principal amount of, premium or penalty, if any, and interest and other amounts on any Indebtedness (other than the Loans, Indebtedness outstanding with respect to the Second Lien Term Loans and any Indebtedness secured by a Lien on the Collateral that is pari passu with or expressly subordinated to the Lien on the Collateral securing any Secured Obligation) that is secured by a Lien on the assets in question and that is required to be repaid or otherwise comes due under the terms thereof as a result of such loss, taking or sale, (iii) in the case of a taking, the reasonable out-of-pocket costs of putting any affected property in a safe and secure position, (iv) any selling costs and out-of-pocket expenses (including reasonable broker’s fees or commissions, legal fees, transfer and similar Taxes and the Borrower’s good faith estimate of income or other Taxes paid or payable (including pursuant to Tax sharing arrangements or any Tax distribution)) in connection with any sale or taking of such assets as described in clause (a) of this definition, (v) any amounts provided as a reserve in accordance with GAAP against any liabilities under any indemnification obligation or purchase price adjustments associated with any sale or taking of such assets as referred to in clause (a) of this definition (provided that to the extent and at the time any such amounts are released from such reserve (other than in connection with a payment in respect of such liability), such amounts shall constitute Net Insurance/Condemnation Proceeds) and (vi) the pro rata portion of such Net Insurance/Condemnation Proceeds (calculated without regard to this clause vi) attributable to minority interests and not available for distribution to or for the account of the Borrower and the Restricted Subsidiaries as a result thereof.

  • windstorm means straight line winds of at least 80 miles per

  • Net Condemnation Proceeds The Condemnation Proceeds received with respect to any Mortgage Loan or Serviced Companion Loan (including an REO Mortgage Loan or REO Companion Loan) net of the amount of (i) costs and expenses incurred with respect thereto and (ii) amounts required to be applied to the restoration or repair of the related Mortgaged Property; provided that, in the case of an Outside Serviced Mortgage Loan, “Net Condemnation Proceeds” under this Agreement shall be limited to any related Condemnation Proceeds that are received by the Trust Fund in connection with such Outside Serviced Mortgage Loan, pursuant to the allocations set forth in the related Co-Lender Agreement.

  • Act of God means a cataclysmic phenomenon of nature, including earthquake, flood or cyclone. Rain, snow, wind, high water or any other natural phenomenon, which might reasonably have been anticipated from historical records of the general locality of the City, shall be deemed not to be acts of God;