Examples of Important building in a sentence
Important building blocks of the law are an individual entitlement to information for employees and the reporting obligations for equality and equal pay.
Important building blocks of trust and verification relationships include access control, data security, compliance and event management - all security elements well understood by IT departments today, implemented with existing products and technologies, and extendable into the cloud.
Important building blocks needed for 6G are, e.g., large chunks of spectrum, methods to use this spectrum efficiently such as carrier aggregation, methods to handle sub-THz spectrum, (more than today) functionality at the edge of the network, etc.
Important building blocks in this endeavour included the recognition of the individual’s cognitive limitations and altruistic attitudes towards others, and the insertion of these elements into the modelling of human nature.
Important building blocks for new cooperation on returns were agreed, and stalled return processes were re-started.
Important building blocks of trust and verification relationships include access control, data security, compliance and event management – all security elements well understood by IT departments today, implemented with existing products and technologies, and extendable into the cloud.
Important building blocks for the coaching relationship are: empathy, authenticity and respect (Newnham-Kanas et al., 2010).Pobrano z https://opus.us.edu.pl / Downloaded from Repository of University of Silesia 2024-02-24Coaching places a huge emphasis on the concept of “true self” (Passmore, 2013).
The best deposits of it are found on Volcanic and Earthlike planets.Reidium: Important building material necessary for the creation of many ships.
Important building block for implementing the City’s IPTN (Integrated P T Network) LE SSONS F R O M PHASE 1 & N2 EXPRE SS MORE ABOUTKey Lessons Learnt in Phase 1 LE SSONS F R O M PHASE 1 & N2 EXPRE SS Key Lessons1.
Important building stones are strong networks, access to a broad group of resource organizations, and some extra money to stimulate the companies to seek help from outside their own organizations.