In press definition
Examples of In press in a sentence
Zoom Control Zoom Out: press [+] button under FAST or SLOW Zoom In: press [-] button under FAST or SLOW Press and hold the button, to keep zooming in or out (until the lens reaches the mechanical limit).
In press) and greater prairie‐ chickens (Robel, Pers Comm.) over long distances.
In press Amenta, N., et al., 1998: New Voronoi Based Surface Reconstruction Algorithm.
Thus, GGI support is two dimensional: (i) providing field expertise through GGI experts, (ii) safeguarding informed decision making by leadership and capacity development of the GoG servants through coaching, to compile and finalize the regulatory impact assessment report.
Peter J.J. GoossensElise A.M. Knoppert – van der Klein Theo van Achterberg Archives of Psychiatric Nursing 2008; In press AbstractPatients with a bipolar disorder need to cope with the problems they encounter, the consequences of their disease, and unpleasant events in order to stay well.
Bethesda: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, (In press).
In press Denne artikel præsenterer et empirisk arbejde i form af en single-casestudie.
Tree cavities were located using a directional antenna and binoculars from the ground, and later confirmed by undertaking dusk emergence surveys using Bat Box Duet bat detectors (Batbox Ltd., Sussex, UK),Song Meter 2 static detectors (Wildlife Acoustics Inc., Maynard, US) and a bespoke portable CCTV video system (Young et al., In press).
In press releases where there are no Member quotations, non-political quotations from Officers will be acceptable.
CLARK R and HOUDE JF (2013), Collusion with asymmetric retailers: evidence from a gasoline price-fixing case, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 5, 1-30.DARGAUD E and JACQUES A (2015), Hidden collusion by decentralization: firm organization and an- titrust policy, Journal of Economics, 114, 153-176.DARGAUD E and JACQUES A (2020) Leniency programs and cartel organization of multiproduct firms,Review of Law and Economics, In press.