Title of the Sample Clauses

Title of the. Subject Property shall be held in the name of the natural person(s) who are members of the Household which qualifies under the criteria in Section 1.A.i. and ii. above. For example, title may be held jointly in the name of a husband and wife who are members of an Eligible Household. 1. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an Eligible Household may seek a variance to allow title of the Subject Property to be held in trust for the benefit of a natural person who also meets the definition of an Eligible Household. Such ownership in trust may only occur in the circumstances provided herein and at the sole discretion of the ECHDA, or its assign. To request a variance, the applicant shall submit a letter to ECHDA, or its assign, requesting a special review and a determination that title of the Subject Property may be held in trust as set forth herein. 2. To be eligible for a variance, the following conditions must be met: (i) The beneficiary of the trust may not own other real property; and (ii) The beneficiary of the trust must be of the age of majority to qualify for this variance. 3. Upon receipt of a request for a variance and a special review and any requested information and documentation, ECHDA, or its assign, may grant the request with or without conditions.
Title of the. Notes The Company hereby creates the 2012 Notes, the 2017 Notes and the 2037 Notes, each as a separate series of its Securities issued pursuant to the Indenture. The 2012 Notes shall be designated as the “5.60% Notes due 2012,” the 2017 Notes shall be designated as the “
Title of the. Unit Renewable energy applications in agriculture
Title of the. Goods shall transfer to the Buyer upon delivery. Provided however, until Ingredion receives payment in full for the Goods and all other sums which are or which become due to Ingredion from Buyer on any account, Ingredion has the right to retake the Goods without consideration in the case the Buyer defaults in payment: (a) Buyer holds the Goods on Ingredion’s behalf and the Goods must be stored separately, insured for their full reinstatement value and returned on request; (b) Ingredion may at any time terminate any agreement relating to the Goods without notice to Buyer and may retake possession of any Goods in Buyer’s possession without paying compensation;
Title of the. Unit <unittitle> <unittitle> is for recording the title statement, either formal or supplied, of the described materials. The title statement may consist of a word or phrase. <unittitle> is used at both the highest unit or <archdesc> level (e.g., collection, record group, or fonds) and at all the subordinate <c> levels (e.g., subseries, files, items, or other intervening stages within a hierarchical description). 1..1 ISAD(G) 3.1.2
Title of the. PROJECT Improving governance of wildfire disaster risk reduction through cross- border cooperation between XxX member states, with adjoining countries and globally Coordinator Centre: GFMC Partner Centre 1: Regional Eurasia Fire Monitoring Center (REFMC) To be catered by GFMC (logistics for meeting) To be catered by GFMC (travel) Remarks: REFMC was established in 2017 by contract between the host and GFMC Partner Centre 2: Regional SE Europe / Caucasus Fire Monitoring Center (RFMC) To be catered by GFMC (travel) To be catered by GFMC (travel) Remarks: RFMC was established in 2010 under the aegis of GFMC / EUR-OPA Partner Centre 3: Regional Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Center (REEFMC) To be catered by GFMC (travel) To be catered by GFMC (travel) Remarks: REEFMC was established in 2013 under the aegis of GFMC / EUR-OPA Partner Centre 4: Regional Central Asia Fire Management Resource Center (RCAFMRC) To be catered by GFMC (travel) To be catered by GFMC (travel) Remarks: RCAFMRC was established in 2015 under the aegis of GFMC / OSCE Other Associated Centres from inside and outside Europe will not be sponsored by the project funding. Their participation and inputs into the 2018-19 meetings will be sponsored by external sources. Partner Centre 5: The European Center for Forest Fires (ECFF) (Greece) will be invited to attend the 2019 activities at the 7th International Wildland Fire Conference. Partner Centre 6: Regional Fire Management Resource Center – South East Asia Region (FMRC-SEA) (FMRC-SEA was established in 2017 under the aegis of GFMC / IWPM). The Center will cover its participation in 2018-19 activities by own budget. Partner Centre 7: Regional Fire Management Resource Center – South America Region (FMRC-SAR). The Center will cover its participation in 2018-19 activities by own budget. 2018 ☒ 2019 ☒ Partner Centre 5: -- -- Travel to the global conference is requested to be financed by own project resources -- Remarks: ECFF will be involved if the specific expertise will be required, notably in the 2019 activities European Center on Forest Fires (ECFF) Partner Centre 6: -- Travel to the second meeting at GFMC to be financed by external sources -- Travel to the global conference to be financed by external sources -- Remarks: FMRC-SEA was established in 2017 under the aegis of GFMC / IWPM Regional Fire Management Resource Center – South East Asia Region (FMRC-SEA) Partner Centre 7: Regional Fire Management Resource Center – -- Travel to the second meeti...
Title of the. UNIT (tutkinnon osa): Working in an international work environment (during mobility) Working in international work enviroment 1. -Preparing to work in an international work environment 2. -Interaction in an international work environment 3. -Working in an international environment 4. -Using international competence and sharing it For evaluation, see annex 1 Teacher: you may add more professional skills requirements below, or delete the box below 2. TITLE OF THE UNIT (muu ammatillinen tutkinnon osa, jota opiskelija suorittaa jaksolla, xxx suorittaa muutakin 1. 2. 3. … Studies / tasks in school: