Indecent exposure definition

Indecent exposure means forcing or requiring a vulnerable adult to:
Indecent exposure means the exposure by a person of the person's sexual organs for the purpose of arousing or gratifying the sexual desire of the person or of any other person under circumstances in which the person knows the conduct is likely to cause affront or alarm;
Indecent exposure means the exposure by a person of the

Examples of Indecent exposure in a sentence

  • Indecent exposure or inducing others to expose private or intimate parts of the body when Consent is not present;C.

  • Indecent exposure may also include open exposure of one’s person in circumstances where the exposure is contrary to local moral or other standards of appropriate behavior.

  • Indecent exposure consists of a person knowingly and intentionally exposing his primary genital area to public view.

  • Indecent exposure includes the exposure of a person's genitals or other private body parts when done in a place or manner in which such exposure is likely to cause affront or alarm, or is against generally accepted standards of decency.

  • Indecent exposure or conduct: A student who exposes or exhibits his or her sexual organs in the presence of others in a lewd or indecent manner, or who intentionally and willingly engages in behavior that is considered lewd, indecent or obscene, either in person or on-line, is guilty of a serious breach of conduct that may be reported to the proper law enforcement agency.

More Definitions of Indecent exposure

Indecent exposure means forcing or requiring a vulnerable
Indecent exposure is defined as action involving exhibitionism, appearing naked, urinating in public areas or common areas.
Indecent exposure means indecent exposure as defined by Section 10-103(12) of Title 43A of the Oklahoma Statutes. ■ 5
Indecent exposure means the willful display of the genitals, buttocks, or female breast to another individual as an act of disrespect, vulgarity, or sexual gratification.
Indecent exposure means forcing or requiring a
Indecent exposure means knowingly exposing one’s genitals in the presence of another person or showing pornography material with reckless disregard for the offensive, insulting or frightening effect the act may have.
Indecent exposure. Involving exhibitionism, appearing naked, urinating in public areas, etc.