Examples of Independent Fund Trustee in a sentence
As an Independent Fund Trustee you are generally exempt from the reporting requirements applicable to Access Persons (see section C.6.).
Any report of a Securities Transaction pursuant to this Section II.B for the benefit of a person other than the Independent Fund Trustee may contain a statement that the report should not be construed as an admission by the Independent Fund Trustee that he or she has any direct or indirect Beneficial Interest in the Security to which the report relates.
If you are an Independent Fund Trustee, you do not have to provide an initial report.
All information supplied by an Independent Fund Trustee pursuant to the Code shall be kept in strict confidence, except that such information may be made available to the Board and the CCO.
All information supplied by an Independent Fund Trustee pursuant to the Code shall be kept in strict confidence, except that such information may be made available to the Fund Board and the CCO.