Examples of Independent Generators in a sentence
You’re unique and it’s our intention to help you get as much out of our program as possible.
At least one CWG member from four of the seven market Segments listed below must be present (including participation by telephone) at a meeting to constitute a quorum: Independent REPs (and Aggregators), Independent Generators, Independent Power Marketers, Municipals, Cooperatives, Investor Owned Utilities, and Consumers.
By definition, Balancing Authorities' Inadvertent Interchange cannot be equally compared to Independent Generators' Energy Imbalance.
A Reliability Standards Committee (RSC), comprised of representatives from all market segments (Independent Generators, Investor-Owned Utilities, Power Marketers, Retail Electric Providers, Municipally-Owned Utilities, Cooperatives, and Consumers), to provide balanced decision-making and due process for ERCOT-Specific Reliability Standards and Regional Variances.
A Ballot Body will be comprised of representatives from all market segments (Independent Generators, Investor-Owned Utilities, Power Marketers, Retail Electric Providers,Municipally-Owned Utilities, Cooperatives, and Consumers), to provide balanced decision- making on ERCOT-Specific Reliability Standards and Regional Variances.
The TAC shall be comprised of Representatives of Members from each Market Segment as defined in the ERCOT Bylaws: Independent Retail Providers (and Aggregators), Independent Generators, Independent Power Marketers, Municipals, Cooperatives, Investor Owned Utilities, and Consumers.
In addition there were three other players in the market:- Electricité de France, an increasing number of Independent Generators, and also large Industry.
As of January 2005, ERCOT membership consists of 17 Industrial Consumers, 3 Retail/Commercial Consumers, 41 Electric Cooperatives, 16 Independent Generators, 19 Independent Power Marketers, 36 Independent Retail Electric Providers, 8 Investor Owned Utilities, and 19 Municipal Owned Utilities.
And the application of NERC standards to Independent Generators are carried out by transmission owners through interconnection agreements.
A Ballot Body will be comprised of representatives from all market segments (Independent Generators, Investor-Owned Utilities, Power Marketers, Retail Electric Providers, Municipally-Owned Utilities, Cooperatives, and Consumers), to provide balanced decision- making on ERCOT-Specific Reliability Standards and Regional Variances.