indigent household definition

indigent household means a household that complies with the following conditions:
indigent household means households that are registered as such in terms of the municipality’s Credit Control and Debt Collection By-law;
indigent household means a household, including a child-headed household, registered as such with the Municipality lacking the necessities of life which –

Examples of indigent household in a sentence

  • In the event of the death of a member of a Registered Indigent household, the Municipality will exempt the household from the cost of digging and preparation of a grave, provided that the burial takes place in a municipal cemetery under the control and management of the Municipality.

  • In the event of the death of a member of a Registered Indigent household, the Municipality will exempt the household from the cost of digging and preparation of a grave, which grave will be provided by the municipality free of charge, provided that the burial takes place in a municipal cemetery under the control and management of the Municipality.

  • In accordance with the above the Municipality has defined a basic package of municipal services as follow:- ▪ 6 kl of water per Indigent household per month.▪ 50 units of electricity per Indigent household per month (through Eskom)▪ Refuse removal from residential stands in accordance with the municipality’s policy.▪ Sewer services to residential stands in accordance with the municipality’s policy.▪ Payment of Rates and Taxes on a residential property in accordance with the municipality’s policy.

  • In accordance with the above the Municipality has defined a basic package of municipal services as follow:-  6 kl of water per Indigent household per month. 50 units of electricity per Indigent household per month (through Eskom) Refuse removal from residential stands in accordance with the municipality’s policy. Sewer services to residential stands in accordance with the municipality’s policy. Payment of Rates and Taxes on a residential property in accordance with the municipality’s policy.

  • Nkomazi Municipality has identified few programs that will promote exit from indigence:❖ Public works programs❖ Nkomazi local Municipality leaner ships❖ Local economic developmentThe above program will assist in terms of developing skills in to the Nkomazi Local areas and Indigent household will be the priority in such programs.

More Definitions of indigent household

indigent household means a household receiving a subsidy from the municipality in terms of its indigent support programme;
indigent household means a domestic customer who is qualified to be , and who is registered with the Municipality as, an indigent in accordance with the Municipalities Debt collection and credit control By-laws;
indigent household means a family unit comprising of the head of the family, being a natural person, and may include blood related or adopted dependants who are jointly living on a stand or site on a permanent basis and who receive electricity and/or water from one meter, regardless whether the person rents or owns the property.
indigent household means a low income household with a monthly income determine by the resolution of the Municipal Council
indigent household means a household that benefits from the Municipality's Assistance to the Poor Policy;
indigent household means a household as defined as an indigent household for purposes of receiving subsidised services in accordance with the municipality’s credit collection and debt collection by-laws;
indigent household means a household that complies with the following condition: