Individual artist definition

Individual artist means an artist acting individually and independently without affiliation to or with another individual, group or organization. (Ord. 17527 § 60, 2013: Ord. 17461 § 2, 2012: Ord. 14482 § 35, 2002: Ord. 12945 § 1, 1997: Ord. 12089 § 17, 1995: Ord. 11684 § 11, 1995: Ord. 8300 § 2, 1987).
Individual artist means an artist who primarily works independently and not regularly with an artist group or company.
Individual artist means an artist who primarily works in- dependently and not regularly with an artist group or compa- ny.

Examples of Individual artist in a sentence

  • Individual artist applicants may only receive one reimbursement award per fiscal year.

  • Individual Individual artist Individual athlete Member of Unincorporated Partnership Corporationa band group Joint venture Star corporation (including Limited liability corporations) Limited liability corporation (LLC's excluding star corporations) Other (specify)9.

  • Instead please attach a copy of the outline of Conference/Workshop/Course/Masterclass/Mentorship Program you wish to attend including a breakdown of costings included in fees.4.8 Range of activities and number of occurrences For example if you were attending a once only wood turning workshop you would enter the number 1 into Individual artist participating in professional or career development.

  • The Faculty of Human Sciences is poised to unleash the Individual artist whose time has arrived.

  • Individual artist - Tom Taylor Featured artwork - ‘Soundscape’ by artist Maria Shapiro7 How are applications assessed?Applications are reviewed to check eligibility and then are forwarded to an assessment panel of the Blue Mountains City of the Arts Trust Advisory Committee, comprising Blue Mountains residents who have professional arts experience in a diverse range of art forms.

  • Exceptions: • Individual artist projects must partner with a non-profit organization, school, or agency serving as their fiscal agent.

  • The make-up, function, powers, and duties of the Arts Commission are defined in the City Charter Section 5.103 and further defined in Sections 2A.150 and 2A.150.1of the Administrative Code. Artist: Individual artist, team of individual artists, or artist team leader of individuals from other disciplines whose body of work and professional activities demonstrate serious ongoing commitment to the fine arts.

  • Prospective applicants may apply to any one (1) of the following funding streams per year: Project Stream Funding:• Individual artist support (up to $15,000).

  • Prospective applicants may apply to any one (1) of the following funding streams per year: PROJECT STREAM FUNDING• Individual artist support (up to $15,000).

  • In addition, the Operations Manual would contain full details of the pilot design, the requirements to be met by a Province in order to be eligible for these pilots, the selection criteria for providers and how the results are going to be measured and evaluated.

Related to Individual artist

  • City Managerial Employee means the City Manager, the Assistant City Manager, the City Clerk, and any City department head or director. In the event CONTRACTOR violates the provisions of this paragraph, CONTRACTOR shall be required to pay damages to OWNER in an amount equal to any and all compensation which is received by the former Elected Officer or City Managerial Employee of OWNER from or on behalf of the contracting person or entity, or an amount equal to the former Elected Officer's or City Managerial Employee's last two (2) years of gross compensation from OWNER, whichever is greater.

  • Individual service plan means the written description of services, supports, and activities to be provided to an individual.

  • Individual Support Plan means a document in writing (as amended from time to time) between You and a Service User, their family, guardian, advocate or financial manager about the disability services to be delivered to the Service User and how those services will be delivered to meet the Service User’s identified goals;

  • Individual Agreement means an employment, consulting or similar agreement between a Participant and the Company or one of its Subsidiaries or Affiliates.

  • Participating Municipality means a municipality that is designated by or under the Act as a participating municipality in a conservation authority.

  • county executive committee member means the county executive committee member responsible for matters relating to land;

  • Individual contract plan means a subcontracting plan that covers the entire contract period (including option periods), applies to a specific contract, and has goals that are based on the offeror’s planned subcontracting in support of the specific contract except that indirect costs incurred for common or joint purposes may be allocated on a prorated basis to the contract.

  • State Budget Director means the individual appointed by the Governor pursuant to Section 321 of The Management and Budget Act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1321.

  • Planning Director means the Planning Director of the City of Santa Xxxxxx, or his or her designee.

  • Individual development account means a contract between an account holder and a fiduciary organization, for the deposit of funds into a financial institution by the account holder, and the deposit of matching funds into the financial institution by the fiduciary organization, to allow the account holder to accumulate assets for use toward achieving a specific purpose approved by the fiduciary organization.

  • Managerial employee means an employee of the State of Oregon or a public university

  • Team Member means a member of the European Border and Coast Guard standing corps deployed through a border management team to participate in an operational activity;

  • Community Developmental Disability Program (CDDP means an entity that is responsible for planning and delivery of services for individuals with developmental disabilities in a specific geographic service area of the state operated by or under a contract with the Division or a local mental health authority.

  • Non-Participating Prosthetic Provider means a Prosthetic Provider who does not have a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.

  • Historically Disadvantaged Individual (HDI) means a South African citizen -

  • Person-Centered Service Plan means the details of the supports, desired outcomes, activities, and resources required for an individual to achieve and maintain personal goals, health, and safety, as described in OAR 411-004-0030.

  • Statewide special election means a special election called by the governor or the

  • Non-Key Employee means any Employee who is not a Key Employee.

  • Major life activities means functions such as caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working.

  • income-related employment and support allowance means an income-related allowance under Part 1 of the Welfare Reform Act 2007;

  • One-hundred-year flood means a flood having a one per cent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.

  • Percentage Stock Ownership means the percentage Stock Ownership interest of any Person or group (as the context may require) for purposes of Section 382 of the Code as determined in accordance with the Treasury Regulation § 1.382-2T(g), (h), (j) and (k) or any successor provision.

  • Participating Prosthetic Provider means a Prosthetic Provider who has a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.

  • Statewide popular election means a general election in which votes are cast for

  • School employer means a supervisory union or school district as

  • Non-Participating Certified Nurse-Midwife means a Certified Nurse-Midwife who does not have a written agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan to provide services to you at the time services are rendered.