Information Sharing Agreement definition
Examples of Information Sharing Agreement in a sentence
Partners as receivers of information will accept total liability for a breach of this Information Sharing Agreement should legal proceedings be served in relation to the breach.
Unless otherwise specified in Appendix B to the Adoption Agreement, the Plan provides for and permits such exchanges with any Vendor which agrees to assume the responsibilities of a Vendor hereunder and enters into an Information Sharing Agreement.
When the Information Sharing Agreement is executed by both the vendor and District 204, that vendor then joins the list of eligible vendors.
Confidential information obtained pursuant to Chapter 39, Florida Statutes (proceedings relating to juveniles), shall not be disclosed except by law, court order, or by the criteria set forth in the Juvenile Justice Information Sharing Agreement and F.D.L.E.
The reason for this Information Sharing Agreement (ISA) outlined in this document is (insert reasoni.e vital to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people.