Examples of Infrastructure corridors in a sentence
Infrastructure corridors should not intrude into the Brisbane River Corridor except where it is necessary to cross the Brisbane River.
So much of Windell Location 122 as is on the land enclosed by a line starting at a point on the south boundary of Windell Location 122 with AMG coordinates of E621 168.57 N7 490 867.17 and extending successively to points with AMG coordinatesE621 594.96 N7 492 138.78E623 965.26 N7 491 343.98E623 753.19 N7 490 711.52E624 871.49 N7 489 268.65E624 656.80 N7 488 833.80then back to the starting point.Schedule 2 — Infrastructure corridor[s.
Broad scale studies such as the County Historic Landscape Character Assessment and detailed surveys, such as those undertaken by the Rockingham Forest Trust offer a wealth of information pertaining to the resource and should be utilised in the development of Green Infrastructure and to inform the character, function and appearance of Green Infrastructure corridors.
This means, for example, industrial areas will look different from the past, with natural areas linked to the wider environment, areas for public recreation and amenity, and public facilities that link to the wider urban area.’ Infrastructure corridors will include natural aspects so they contribute to wildlife refuges and ecological corridors.
Green infrastructure networks Policy 16 of the Core Strategy requires a strategic approach to the delivery, protection and enhancement of Green Infrastructure though the establishment of a network of primary Green Infrastructure corridors and assets.
Green Infrastructure corridors & green links between landscape and Colne/Crane Valleys is proposed.
This would serve to help protect biodiversity and inform development across many sectors within the region, as well as aligning with RPO 119 (Green Infrastructure corridors).
The Transmission Main construction is provided for in Appendix B of the BCCP EIS/HCP (see Appendix E) in approved Infrastructure corridors as authorized by the joint City of Austin/Travis County incidental take permit under section 10(a)(1)(B) of the Endangered Species Act.
The applicant should follow best management practices during the proposed clearing and associated works, as outlined in Water Quality Protection Notice 83: Infrastructure corridors near sensitive water resources.
Infrastructure corridors provide the infrastructure for services such as water, sewerage, telecoms, electricity and gas.