Examples of Ingredient statement in a sentence
Ingredient statement" means a statement of the name and percentage of each active ingredient, together with the total percentage of inert ingredients.
Ingredient statement, nutrition facts and if available, and CN label must be submitted with all samples.
Contractor shall ensure that the Allergen & Sensitive Ingredient statement is updated whenever the manufacturer changes the ingredients of a product.
Items required are listed here and described in the sections that follow: Brand name, type of pesticide, and formulation Ingredient statement EPA registration and establishment number Signal words and symbols Precautionary statements Hazards to humans and domestic animals Environmental hazards First aid Directions for use Waiting period (if any) Preparation instructions and directions for use Protective clothing needed (Figure B–2).
Ingredient statement (Chapter 5)The name and percentage by weight of each active ingredient and the total percentage by weight of all other/inert ingredients must be on the front panel of the label.