Initial Draft definition
Examples of Initial Draft in a sentence
Each Proponent should review the Initial Draft Design-Build Agreement for the purpose of identifying any issues or provisions that the Proponent would like to see clarified or amended.
If there are any inconsistencies between the terms of the Final Draft Design-Build Agreement and the description or overview of those terms set out in this RFP or the Initial Draft Design-Build Agreement, the terms of the Final Draft Design-Build Agreement will prevail.
Any description or overview of the Initial Draft Design-Build Agreement or the Final Draft Design-Build Agreement in this RFP is provided for convenience only and does not replace, supersede, supplement or alter the Initial Draft Design-Build Agreement or the Final Draft Design-Build Agreement.
The Initial Draft may be redacted by the Filing Party as reasonably deems necessary to protect the confidentiality of matters not affecting the Non-Filing Party or which are confidential to the Filing Party or to other clients or customers of the Non-Filing Party.
The Parties will work together in good faith to resolve any inaccuracies contained in the Initial Draft as soon as practicable under the circumstances to prevent a delay or postponement of such filing (or any related inspections by such Regulatory Authority to which the filing relates).
If the Non-Filing Party determines that any of its data or information in the Initial Draft is inaccurate or any other errors relating to the Non-Filing Party’s Regulatory Obligations, the Non-Filing Party will notify Filing Party in writing of such inaccuracy and provide a recommendation to remediate the Initial Draft.
Such notice shall also include documentation and data sufficient to substantiate the Non-Filing Party’s claim that the Initial Draft is inaccurate to the Filing Party’s reasonable satisfaction.
Prior to filing any documents or communications with a Regulatory Authority that incorporate or uses data generated by the Non-Filing Party or otherwise relate to the Non-Filing Party’s Regulatory Obligations, the Filing Party will give the Non-Filing Party a draft of such document or communication (“Initial Draft”) to give the Non-Filing Party the opportunity to verify the accuracy and regulatory validity of such Initial Draft.
The Parties agree that in reviewing the Initial Draft, the Non-Filing Party’s role will be limited to verifying the accuracy of the description of its Regulatory Filing Obligations or accuracy of its data or information in the Initial Draft.
The Design-Builder will be required to design and construct the Facility to accommodate the spaces, activities, functions, design features and adjacencies described in the Initial Draft Design-Build Agreement.The Indicative Design reflects program areas and significant design.