Initial Policy definition
Examples of Initial Policy in a sentence
It is agreed that Our liability to make will be subject to a Waiting Period of 24 months unless the payment under the Policy in respect of any claim made in that condition is directly caused by Cancer (covered after Initial Policy Year will only commence once the Deductible has been Waiting Period of 30 days) or an Accident (covered from day 1) exhausted.
Initial Policy Response to COVID-19 Saint Lucia approached the COVID-19 response with a three pronged triaged approach, starting with Public Health Response which included strengthening the Public Health System (Quarantine and Isolation facilities, PPE, ventilators), border closures, curfews, state of emergency and school closures.
English Heritage’s Initial Policy for the Management of Maritime Archaeology in England) addressed the protected wreck site post- excavation backlog.
With respect to periods after such Initial Policy Period, KSL and KSI hereby agree to re-negotiate the terms of this Article 4 in full based on the changes in each others' business, increases in the applicable Annual Premium and on the recommendations of Aon with respect to the allocation of such Annual Premium, but only with respect to the applicable KSI Insurance Policy whose Initial Policy Period has expired.
Aon shall determine the Allocated Shares of KSL during the Initial Policy Periods, which may be different for each Annual Premium and which determination shall be based on the historical losses, exposures to risk, projected expected losses and possible magnitude of losses of KSI and KSL and their respective Subsidiaries.
Cleveland Community Police Commission, “Use of Force: Summary Report & Initial Policy Recommendations” (Mar.
Each of KSL and KSI hereby agree that after, with respect to each KSI Insurance Policy, the termination of such KSI Insurance Policy's Initial Policy Period, the terms of this Article 4 are subject to change and re-negotiation in full after such Initial Policy Period, but only with respect to such KSI Insurance Policy.
The FERC Penalty Guidelines are appended to the Revised Policy Statement on Penalty Guidelines.477 Revised Policy Statement on Enforcement, 123 FERC ¶ 61,156; Enforcement of Statutes, Orders, Rules and Regulations, 113 FERC ¶ 61,068 (2005) (Policy Statement on Enforcement).478 Initial Policy Statement on Penalty Guidelines, 130 FERC ¶ 61,220 at P 32 (“We do not intend to depart from the Penalty Guidelines regularly, but neither will we always adhere to a rigid application of them.”).
Upon the termination of such Initial Policy Period, if the parties have not agreed on the terms and conditions of the allocations of such Annual Premium or on the continuation, amendment, or termination of the other terms and conditions contained in this Article 4, then the terms and conditions of this Article 4 shall terminate and shall be of no further force and effect with respect to, and only with respect to, such KSI Insurance Policy.
Each of KSL and KSI hereby agree that the terms and conditions of this Article 4 shall be in full force and effect, with respect to each KSI Insurance Policy, during such KSI Insurance Policy's respective Initial Policy Period.