Examples of Initial speed in a sentence
Initial speed selection for the TF Cold Circulator was made to maximize the efficiency potential.
Initial speed affects the relationship speed – accident riskSeveral recent re-analyses of the speed-accident relationship (Cameron & Elvik, 2010; Elvik, 2013) found that the exact relationship between speed and accident risk depends on the initial speed.
Stopping distance as a function of initial speed 120 100 Initial speed (km/h)80 60 40 20 00 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100Stopping distance (metres) Source: TØI report 740/2004Figure 1: Stopping distance from various initial speeds Stopping distance is not proportional with speed.
Initial speed was 150 knots (0.25 Mach), altitude was 1400 ft and heading was 90 degrees.
Initial speed was measured after brake reaction and response time had passed.
Initial speed shall be as low as is practicable, in order to obtain an approximation of the vehicle’s Ackermann steering angle.
Response of the vehicle to such an input is out of scope for this chapter, but it can be remarked that it can result in oned = braking distance - metersV = Initial speed - km/hf = Coefficient of friction, tires to pavement surface, approximately equal to deceleration in g units Figure 3.6 shows what such a braking control input really looks Figure 3.7 shows a braking maneuver on a tangent with the same like in terms of the deceleration profile.
Final speed = Initial speed + 15 km/h No rearward restraining force shall be applied to the test vehicle.
Initial speed for a brake deceleration event Braking speed or initial braking speed ViService brake speed at the start of a brake deceleration event.
Initial speed was set at 0.75 m/s and angle of ele- vation at 0%.