Examples of Innovative approach in a sentence
Innovative approach to minimize human dependence and Railway Staff’s failure needs to be further explored.
Innovative approach – describe the project and explain what makes it different.
Innovative approach to provision for the car, with an appropriate level of parking for the proposed uses, taking into consideration the objective to reduce reliance on cars, situated on the edge of the site.- Servicing arrangements for the uses on the site should be appropriate and integrated from the outset.
The Contractor upon request shall provide the Council with details and appropriate evidence of any steps taken under clause 9.2.
II.6 Innovative approach (section 4.6 of the main text of this call) A detailed description of the innovative features of the action proposed must be provided, highlighting the elements that hitherto did not exist in the relevant market.
Innovative approach to teaching communication skills to nursing students.
Innovative approach to water managementThe WFD introduced an innovative approach to manage and protect aquatic ecosystems in a holistic way, rather than focusing only on specific aspects of water quality.
Innovative approach for the treatment of cumulative trauma disorders.
Innovative approach using interprofessional simulation to educate surgical residents in technical and nontechnical skills in high-risk clinical scenarios.
Figure XVI: Impact of Government Programs on Banks’ SMEs Lending Figure XVII: Banks’ Priorities for Government Action Box 1: An Innovative approach Partnering with consulting firms, NGOs and government agencies to reduce costs and increase access to financeThe Regional Solidarity Bank (Banque Regional de Solidarité – BRS) employs a business model focused on technical assistance, follow-up and proximity.