Insect injury definition

Insect injury means that the in- sect, frass or web is present, or the ker- nel or portion of kernel show definite evidence of insect feeding.[42 FR 64899, Dec. 29, 1977, as amended at 45FR 63482, Sept. 25, 1980; 47 FR 12612, Mar. 24,1982; 48 FR 34015, July 27, 1983; 74 FR 2809,Jan. 16, 2009] § 999.500 Safeguard procedures for walnuts and certain dates exempt from grade, size, quality, and matu- rity requirements.
Insect injury means that the in- sect, frass or web is present, or the ker- nel or portion of kernel show definite evidence of insect feeding.[42 FR 64899, Dec. 29, 1977, as amended at 45FR 63482, Sept. 25, 1980; 47 FR 12612, Mar. 24,1982; 48 FR 34015, July 27, 1983; 74 FR 2809,Jan. 16, 2009] § 999.500 Safeguard procedures for walnuts, dates, pistachios, and rai- sins exempt from grade, size, qual- ity, and maturity requirements.
Insect injury means that the insect, frass or web is present, or the kernel or por- tion of kernel show definite evidence of in- sect feeding.[42 FR 64899, Dec. 29, 1977, as amended at 45FR 63482, Sept. 25, 1980; 47 FR 12612, Mar. 24,1982; 48 FR 34015, July 27, 1983] § 999.500 Safeguard procedures for walnuts and certain dates exempt from grade, size, quality, and matu- rity requirements.

Examples of Insect injury in a sentence

  • Insect injury can impact yield, plant maturity, and seed quality.

  • Insect injury Materially detracts from the Seriously detracts from the Very seriously detracts from appearance 'or any insect is appearance or any insect is the appearance or any insect present in the fruit.

  • The loan was repayable on 31 December 2014, and in January 2015, the Group received a demand letter from Linshan for the settlement of the outstanding loan and accrued interest thereon.

More Definitions of Insect injury

Insect injury means that the insect, frass or web is present, or the kernel or por- tion of kernel show definite evidence of in- sect feeding.[47 FR 12611, Mar. 24, 1982, as amended at 48FR 34015, July 27, 1983] Subpart C—Free and Restricted Percentages§ 982.254 Free and restricted percent- ages—2006–2007 marketing year.The final free and restricted percent- ages for merchantable hazelnuts for the 2006–2007 marketing year shall be 8.2840 percent and 91.7160 percent, re- spectively.[72 FR 2603, Jan. 22, 2007] § 982.255 Free and restricted percent- ages—2007–2008 marketing year.
Insect injury means that the insect, frass or web is present inside the nut or the kernel shows definite evidence of insect feeding.
Insect injury means that the insect frass or web is present or the kernel or portion of kernel show definite evidence of insect feeding.
Insect injury means that the insect, frass or web is present, or the kernel or por- tion of kernel show definite evidence of in- sect feeding.[47 FR 12611, Mar. 24, 1982, as amended at 48FR 34015, July 27, 1983]EDITORIAL NOTE: After January 1, 1979, ‘‘Budget of Expenses and Rate of Assess- ment’’ regulations (e.g., sections .300 through .399) and ‘‘Marketing percentage’’ regulations (e.g., sections .200 through .299) which are in effect for a year or less, will not be carried in the Code of Federal Regula- tions. For FEDERAL REGISTER citations af- fecting these regulations, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and on GPO Access. Subpart—Assessment Rates§ 982.340 Assessment rate.On and after July 1, 2000, an assess- ment rate of $0.005 per pound is estab- lished for Oregon and Washington ha- zelnuts.[65 FR 47247, Aug. 2, 2000] Subpart—Administrative Rules and Regulations SOURCE: 26 FR 4191, May 16, 1961, unlessotherwise noted. Redesignated at 26 FR 12751, Dec. 30, 1961. § 982.446§ 982.446 Inspection documentation.Pursuant to § 982.46(b), handlers are required to use the following identi- fication on bags and cartons of 25 pounds or larger capacity which con- tain certified hazelnuts:
Insect injury means that the in­ sect, frass or web is present, or the kernel or portion of kernel show definite evi­ dence of insect feeding.
Insect injury means that the insect, web, frass or other evidence of insects is present on the portion of kernel.
Insect injury means that the insect, frass, or web is present, or the kernel of portion of kernel shows definite evidence of insect feeding.