institutional building definition

institutional building means a building constructed by Government, Semi-Government organisations or registered Trusts and used for medical or other treatment, a hostel for working women or for an auditorium or complex for cultural and allied activities or for an hospice, care of persons suffering from physical or mental illness, handicap, disease or infirmity care of orphans, abandoned women, children and infants, convalescents, destitute or aged persons and for penal or correctional detention with restricted liberty of the inmates ordinarily providing sleeping accommodation, and includes dharamshalas, hospitals, sanatoria, custodial and penal institutions such as jails, prisons, mental hospitals, houses of correction, detention and reformatories.
institutional building means a building constructed by Government, Semi-Government organizations, public sector undertakings, registered Charitable Trusts for their public activities such as education, medical recreational and cultural, hostel for working women or men of for an auditorium or complex for cultural and allied activities or for an hospice, care of orphans, abandoned women, children and infants, convalescents, destitudes or aged persons and for penal or correctional detention with restricted liberty of the inmates ordinarily providing sleeping accommodation and includes dharamshalas hospitals sanatoria custodian institutions such as jails, prisons mental hospitals, houses of correction reformatories building constructed for the promotion of Tourism such a stared hotels, clubs, golf course, sport stadium and all activities of Tourist Unit as may be declared by Government from time to time.
institutional building means a building or structure or portions thereof used or designed or intended to be used for a purpose which is classified as a Group B pursuant to the Building Code Act;

Examples of institutional building in a sentence

  • Institutional building types tend to be defined by their use: churches, schools, libraries, etc.

  • Institutional building: CBOs/NGOs/SHGs/other Organisations can be engaged for implementation of block level institutions like BPMU by engaging human resources ,following the stipulations in respect of qualifications, experience, compensations etc.

  • However, Participants' Accounts which have been segregated from the general Trust Fund for investment purposes (Accounts which have been segregated include any directed investment accounts established under Section 8.2 of the Plan) will only have the net income earned thereon allocated thereto.

  • NOTE: You must use the applicable statutory language in conjunction with “Attachment A – Definitions and Reporting Responsibilities” to the Supporting Statement for the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) Notice published in the Federal Register.

  • Proof of Institutional building being functional with copy such as – electricity bill, water supply bill, student enrollment register, attendance register of employees, etc.

More Definitions of institutional building

institutional building means a building used for community, educational, government, public, or religious purposes.
institutional building means a building or portion of a building used on intended to be used as a charitable institution and/or the administration thereof, and includes a hospital, clinic or dispensary, whether private or public used in connection therewith, but does not include-
institutional building means a building constructed by Government, Semi- Government Organizations or Registered Trusts or any private person/organization and is used for medical or other treatment, or for an auditorium or complex for cultural and allied activities or for an hospice, care of persons suffering from physical or mental illness, handicap, disease or infirmity, care of orphans, abandoned women, children and infants, convalescents, destitute or aged persons and for penal or correctional detention with restricted liberty of the inmates ordinarily providing sleeping accommodation and includes dharamshalas, hospitals, sanatoria, custodial and penal institutions such as jails, prisons, mental hospitals, houses of correction, detention and reformatories etc. It shall also include quarters for essential staff required to reside in the premises, and building used as a hostel captive to an institution whether situated in its campus or outside;
institutional building means a building constructed or used by Government, Semi -Government organization or registered trusts or registered societies or registered companies or any juridical person and used for medical or other treatment, a hostel for working women or for hospice care of persons suffering from physical or mental illness, handicap, disease or infirmity, care of orphans,
institutional building means a building in which persons are harbored to receive medical, charitable, or other care or treatment, or in which persons are held or detained, by reason of public or civic duty, or for correctional purposes.
institutional building means a building intended for public use on a non-profit basis to provide health, educational, recreational or government services, and specifically includes schools, hospitals, rest rooms, places of worship, and government offices;
institutional building means, any building or part thereof ordinarily providing sleeping accommodation for occupants and used for the purposes of medical or other treatment or care of persons suffering from physical or mental illness, disease or infirmity, care of infants, convalescents or aged persons and for penal or correctional detention in which the liberty of the inmates is restricted; such buildings shall include hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, sanatoria, custodial institutions and penal institutions tike jails, prisons, mental hospitals and reformatories;