Intact family definition

Intact family means a family in which the child or children and the obligor reside in the same household and the obligor shares his or her income directly with the child or children and has a legal obligation to support the child or children.
Intact family means a family in which the child or children and the payer reside in the same household and the payer shares his or her income directly or indirectly with the child or children.
Intact family means a family in which the child and the payer reside in the same household, and the payer shares his or her income directly with the child, and has a legal obligation to support the child(ren).

Examples of Intact family in a sentence

  • Intact family An intact family consists of a married or common-law couple where all children are the natural and/or adopted offspring of both members of the couple.

  • Males‟ and females‟ academic achievement motivation scores by family structures SexSingle family Step family Intact family As shown in Table 4, the academic achievement motivation mean score of females from intact families is higher than females from single parent families.

  • Intact family: will be used as a concept to refer to those students who come from families in which their parents are married and live together.

  • This 11 A child case is not opened unless a court makes DCFS responsible for the child.Table 4.2 Substitute Care Placement From Family Cases: Intact and Non-intact Fiscal Yeara Family case includes the first family case on record for the child.b Intact family case includes the first intact family case on record for the child.c Non-intact family case includes the first non-intact family case on record for the child.

  • On October 10, 2002, Whitcombe House Intact family program received the Stewart family case.

  • Intact family services are provided by Department case workers for 80% of the state with approximately 20% provided by POS (private) agencies under contract.

  • Background characteristicsHighest education completed by coupleHigh school degree or less (reference) Intact family status through age 16 0.24 0.22 R-squared .009 .02a p<.001, one-tailed **** p<.001, two-tailed b p<.01, one-tailed *** p<.01, two-tailed c p<.05, one-tailed ** p<.05, two-tailed d p<.10, one-tailed * p<.10, two-tailed Table 4.1: Relationship Conflict Regressed on Background Characteristics, NLSY79 Mothers in Dual-Earner Couples (N=1016).

  • Changes were made to the IL DCFS Program Plan for Intact family Services for FY 2020 increases the number of required weekly visits to the home at the beginning of the case and has added a High-Risk case category, which requires more intensive contact.

  • As defined, Intact family services are voluntary services provided to families who have been referred from an abuse/neglect investigation.

  • And we’re proud to call each and every one of them a member of the Intact family.

Related to Intact family

  • Engine family means a manufacturers grouping of engines which, through their design as defined in paragraph 5.2. of this gtr, have similar exhaust emission characteristics; all members of the family shall comply with the applicable emission limit values.

  • Host family means the individual or family with whom an international exchange student is placed by an international student exchange visitor placement organization under the International Student Exchange Visitor Placement Organization Registration Act, § 6-18-1701 et seq..

  • Birth family or "birth sibling" means the child's biological family or biological sibling.

  • Family or “family member” means your spouse, and any child, stepchild, parent, or parent-in-law who receives more than one-half of his or her support from you or from whom you receive more than one-half of your support.

  • SERFF means the System for Electronic Rate and Form Filing.

  • FIDIC means the Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs-Conseils, the international federation of consulting engineers.

  • Nonresident student means every nonresident person who is enrolled as a full-time student in an

  • Resident Personnel means such persons who at the time of being so hired had their domicile inside India;

  • Contact Persons means persons identified by the Parties as persons who are responsible for the execution of the Agreement and whose names are set out in clause 35 below and who can be substituted in writing from time to time;

  • Load Serving Entity or “LSE” shall have the meaning specified in the Reliability Assurance Agreement.

  • Contact Person means the Contractor's management level personnel who will work as liaison between the City and the Contractor and be available to respond to any problems that may arise in connection with Contractor's performance under the Contract.

  • contact information means information to enable an individual at a place of business to be contacted and includes the name, position name or title, business telephone number, business address, business email or business fax number of the individual;

  • Contact adhesive means a non-aerosol adhesive that: (A) is designed for application to both surfaces to be bonded together, and (B) is allowed to dry before the two surfaces are placed in contact with each other, and (C) forms an immediate bond that is impossible, or difficult, to reposition after both adhesive- coated surfaces are placed in contact with each other, and (D) does not need sustained pressure or clamping of surfaces after the adhesive-coated surfaces have been brought together using sufficient momentary pressure to establish full contact between both surfaces. “Contact Adhesive” does not include rubber cements that are primarily intended for use on paper substrates. “Contact Adhesive” also does not include vulcanizing fluids that are designed and labeled for tire repair only.

  • Seaplane means an aircraft that is capable of landing and taking off on the water.

  • Nonresident pharmacy means a pharmacy located outside of Utah that sells to a person in Utah.

  • 5555551212 Registrant Phone Ext 1234 Registrant Fax: +1.5555551213 Registrant Fax Ext: 4321 Registrant Email: XXXXX@XXXXXXX.XXX Admin ID: 5372809-­‐ERL Admin Name: EXAMPLE REGISTRANT ADMINISTRATIVE Admin Organization: EXAMPLE REGISTRANT ORGANIZATION Admin Street: 000 XXXXXXX XXXXXX Admin City: ANYTOWN Admin State/Province: AP Admin Postal Code: A1A1A1 Admin Country: EX