Examples of Interactions with children in a sentence
CONSIDERATIONS• Children (Education and Care Services National Law Application) Act 2010• Education and Care Services National Regulations (2011) 155, 156 & 168 PROCEDURE Interactions with children will:• promote a safe, secure and nurturing environment;• be authentic and responsive;• be based in fairness, acceptance and empathy with respect for culture, rights, community and the individual.• Attend to all children’s emotional needs.
Interactions with children were facilitated by the use of interactive drawing exercises in order to elicit their responses.
Interactions with children that are aggressive, demeaning or intimidating in nature are strictly prohibited.
Interactions with children should consist of activities that support the classroom environment, and do not detract from activities or curricula that the staff are directing.
Interactions with children revealed that the time spent in classroom transaction, especially given high teacher-student ratio/rotation of teachers teaching in the school, reduces the actual time devoted to teaching.
Regulation 155 Interactions with children Regulation 156 Relationships in groupsWhat element 1.1.3 aims to achieveAll aspects of the educational program, including interactions, experiences, routines and events (both planned and unplanned) provide opportunities for children’s learning and development [Early Years Learning Framework, p.
Interactions with children as well as the PCSA and other community providers, and financial struggles are some of the challenges faced by caregivers.Caseworker support and emotional connections to the children in their care were often cited during our interviews as driving forces behind caregivers maintaining placements.
Interactions with children during proceedings should have the format of a talk, rather than a one-sided examination.
Interactions with children that are aggressive, demeaning, or intimidating in nature are strictly prohibited.
Interactions with children can be misconstrued both by the recipient and by those who observe it, therefore we must avoid any covert or overt sexual behaviors with those for whom we have responsibility.