Interbasin transfer definition
Examples of Interbasin transfer in a sentence
Any Interbasin transfer of water will take years to sort out, time and effort to secure funding, permitting requirements will become more restrictive and water rights will become increasingly expensive to secure.
Interbasin transfer should not be viewed as inherently good or bad but should be judged on the merits of each proposed transfer.Protection of the Resource for Public Interests.
Interbasin transfer of water for industrial and agricultural use is not widespread at present.The frequency of interbasin transfer by municipal suppliers is based on simple expediency, for few cities lie wholly within one watershed.
Inter-basin transfer schemes provide additional freshwater for the Great Fish (Bate et al.
Interbasin transfer of waterIn Subsec 4.4.3, we have discussed in detail how northern and eastern regions are water-rich and, southern and western regions have comparatively low water resources.