Interceptor System definition

Interceptor System means the system of interceptor sewers presently being acquired and constructed by the County Authority, including trunk sewers and other related and necessary ap- purtenant facilities and properties which have been acquired or constructed or hereafter shall be acquired or constructed in connection therewith from time to time for the purpose of receiving Sewage to be collected in the Sewer System and certain sewer systems to serve municipalities, other than the Borough, located in the County, and transporting such Sewage to the sewer system presently being operated and maintained by the City, subject to the terms and conditions of the Service Agreements, which construction is to be in accordance with plans and specifications pre- pared therefore [sic] by the firm of A.L. Wiesenberger Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers, Allentown, Pennsylvania, or in accordance with approved changes, modifications and alterations thereof, and including all additions, extensions, alterations and improvements which may be made thereto or acquired in connection therewith, from time to time.
Interceptor System means the facilities contemplated by the Project and all property, real, personal and mixed, rights, powers, licenses, easements, rights of way, privileges, franchises and any and all other property or interests in property of whatsoever nature used or useful in connection with such facilities, and capital additions (including property in the nature of capital additions acquired or constructed from funds wholly or partially contributed or advanced by users, developers or other persons) acquired, owned, made or constructed by or for the Authority; and the “Interceptor System”, without intend- ing to limit the generality of the foregoing, as of any particular time, shall include all buildings, basins, machinery, mains, conduits, pipes, pipe lines, interceptor lines, trunk lines, sewer plants and systems, tanks, shops, pumping stations, ejector stations, force mains, outfall lines, treatment and pretreatment plants and systems, fixtures, engines, boilers, pumps, meters and other equip- ment, all personal property and all franchises, land, rights of way, privileges, easements, licenses, rights and any other interests in real property owned by the Authority and used or useful in con- nection with the collection, transportation, treatment and/or disposition of Sewage.
Interceptor System means all facilities to be acquired and/or constructed, as contemplated by the Project, together with all appurtenant facilities and properties which the Authority has acquired or hereafter shall acquire in connection therewith, including all property, real, personal and mixed, rights, powers, licenses, easements, rights of way, privileges, franchises and any and all other property or interests in property of whatsoever nature used or useful in connection with such facilities, and together with all additions, extensions, alterations and improvements which may be made or acquired, from time to time. As of any particular time, “Interceptor System” shall mean the facilities contemplated by the Project and all property, real, personal and mixed, rights, powers, licenses, easements, rights of way, privileges, franchises and any and all other property or interests in property of whatsoever nature used or useful in connection with such facilities, and Capital Additions (including property in the nature of Capital Additions acquired or constructed from funds wholly or partially contributed or advanced by users, developers or other Persons) acquired, owned, made or constructed by or for the Authority; and the “Interceptor System”, with- out intending to limit the generality of the foregoing, as of any particular time, shall include all buildings, basins, machinery, mains, conduits, pipes, pipe lines, interceptor lines, outfall lines, trunk lines, sewer plants and systems, tanks, shops, pumping stations, ejector stations, force mains, treatment and pretreatment plants and systems, fixtures, engines, boilers, pumps, meters and other equipment, all personal property and all franchises, land, rights of way, privileges, easements, licenses, rights and any other interests in real property owned by the Authority and used or useful in connection with the collection, transportation, treatment and/or disposition of Sewage.

Examples of Interceptor System in a sentence

  • The District provides sewer collection from customers and conveyance of those sewer flows to the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency’s (MRWPCA) Regional Interceptor System which discharges to the MRWPCA Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP).

  • All permitted users proposing to connect to or continue to discharge to any part of the local collection system or Authority Interceptor System must make available a sampling point which will be representative of all discharges and is acceptable to, and approved by the Director.

  • Milwaukee County (the County) is considered a satellite municipality served by the MMSD through a number of Metropolitan Interceptor System (MIS) connections.

  • Only lines which are the property of and/or under the complete control of the Connector will be allowed to be connected to Metro Interceptor System.

  • Work on the Metro Interceptor System must meet all applicable federal, state, and local safety requirements and comply with safety practices specified by Metro as being suitable to minimize risk to human life and safety, damage to property, and degradation to the environment.

More Definitions of Interceptor System

Interceptor System means a system of interceptor sewers, including a trunk sewer or sewers and appurtenances to be acquired and constructed by the County Authority for the purpose of receiving sewage and wastes to be collected in the sewage collection systems serving the Municipalities and transporting such sewage and wastes to the sewer system owned by Allentown Authority and leased to the City. Notwithstanding the aforesaid general definition the “Interceptor System”, as used herein, shall include:
Interceptor System means all facilities to be acquired and/or constructed, as contemplated by the Project, together with all appurtenant facilities and properties which the Authority has acquired or hereafter shall acquire in connection therewith, including all property, real, personal and mixed, rights, powers, licenses, easements, rights of way, privileges, franchises and any and all other property or interests in property of whatsoever nature used or useful in connection with such facilities, and together with all additions, extensions, alterations and improvements which may be made or acquired, from time to time. As of any particular time, the “Interceptor System” shall mean the facilities contemplated by the Project and all property, real, personal and mixed, rights, powers, licenses, easements, rights of way, privileges, xxxx- xxxxxx and any and all other property or interests in property of whatsoever nature used or useful in connec- tion with such facilities, and Capital Additions (including property in the nature of Capital Additions acquired or constructed from funds wholly or partially contributed or advanced by users, developers or other Persons) acquired, owned, made or constructed by or for the Authority; and the “Interceptor System”, without intending to limit the generality of the foregoing, as of any particular time, shall include all build- ings, basins, machinery, mains, conduits, pipes, pipe lines, interceptor lines, trunk lines, sewer plants and systems, tanks, shops, pumping stations, ejector stations, force mains, outfall lines, treatment and pre-treat- ment plants and systems, fixtures, engines, boilers, pumps, meters and other equipment, all personal prop- erty and all franchises, land, rights of way, privileges, easements, licenses, rights and any other interests in real property owned by the Authority and used or useful in connection with the collection, transportation, treatment and/or disposition of Sewage.
Interceptor System means all facilities to be acquired and/or constructed by the County Authority, as set forth in the Preamble hereof, together with all appurtenant facilities and proper- ties which the County Authority has acquired or hereafter shall acquire in connection therewith, including all property, real, personal and mixed, rights, powers, licenses easements, rights of way, privileges, franchises and any and all other property or interests in property of whatsoever nature used or useful in connection with such facilities, and together with all additions, extensions, altera- tions and improvements which may be made or acquired, from time to time, for the purpose of receiving Sewage to be collected in the Sewage Collection Systems contemplated to serve the Municipalities and transporting such Sewage to the Allentown Sewer System for treatment and ultimate disposal.
Interceptor System means the system of interceptor sewers presently being acquired and constructed by the County Authority, including trunk sewers and other related and necessary appurtenant
Interceptor System means all facilities to be acquired and/or constructed by the County Authority, as contemplated by the Project, together with all appurtenant facilities and properties which the County Authority has acquired or hereafter shall acquire in connection therewith, inclu- ding all property, real, personal and mixed, rights, powers, licenses, easements, rights of way, privileges, franchises and any and all other property or interests in property of whatsoever nature used or useful in connection with such facilities, and together with all additions, extensions, alter- ations and improvements which may be made or acquired, from time to time. As of any particular time, “Interceptor System” shall mean the facilities contemplated by the Project and all property, real, personal and mixed, rights, powers, licenses, easements, rights of way, privileges, franchises, and any and all other property or interests in property of whatsoever nature used or useful in con- nection with such facilities, and Capital Additions (including property in the nature of Capital Additions acquired or constructed from funds wholly or partially contributed or advanced by users, developers or other Persons) acquired, owned, made or constructed by the County Authority; and the “Interceptor System”, without intending to limit the generality of the foregoing, as of any particular time, shall include all buildings, basins, machinery, mains, conduits, pipes, pipe lines, interceptor lines, outfall lines, trunk lines, service lines, sewer plants and systems, tanks, shops, pumping stations, ejector stations, force mains, fixtures, engines, boilers, pumps, meters and other equipment, all personal property and all franchises, land, rights of way, privi- leges, easements, licenses, rights and any other interests in real property owned by the County Authority and used or useful in connection with the collection, transportation, treatment and/or disposition of Sewage.
Interceptor System means all facilities acquired and/or constructed by the Project, together with all appurtenant facilities and properties which the Authority has acquired or hereafter shall acquire in connection therewith, including all property, real, personal and mixed, rights, powers, licenses, easements, rights of way, privileges, franchises and any and all other property or interests in property of whatsoever nature used or useful in connection with such facilities, and together with all additions, extensions, alterations and improvements which may be made or acquired from time to time.
Interceptor System means the following parts of the WWTP: Facility From To City B Forcemain City B City A