Interceptor System definition
Examples of Interceptor System in a sentence
The District provides sewer collection from customers and conveyance of those sewer flows to the Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control Agency’s (MRWPCA) Regional Interceptor System which discharges to the MRWPCA Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP).
All permitted users proposing to connect to or continue to discharge to any part of the local collection system or Authority Interceptor System must make available a sampling point which will be representative of all discharges and is acceptable to, and approved by the Director.
Milwaukee County (the County) is considered a satellite municipality served by the MMSD through a number of Metropolitan Interceptor System (MIS) connections.
Only lines which are the property of and/or under the complete control of the Connector will be allowed to be connected to Metro Interceptor System.
Work on the Metro Interceptor System must meet all applicable federal, state, and local safety requirements and comply with safety practices specified by Metro as being suitable to minimize risk to human life and safety, damage to property, and degradation to the environment.