Payload definition
Examples of Payload in a sentence
Payload keywords inspect the content of the payload of a packet or stream.
There are some more content modifiers (If you are unfamiliar with content modifiers, please visit the page Payload Keywords These ones make sure the signature checks a specific part of the network-traffic.
More information can be found at Payload Keywords These keywords make sure the signature checks only specific parts of the network traffic.
The STS-1 signal must be framed utilizing the framing structure define in ANSI T1.105, Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) – Basic Description Including Multiplex Structure, Rates and Formats and T1.105.02, Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) – Payload Mappings.
The response will be returned as MIME multipart/form-data, with the Payload body part containing the X12 response.