Examples of Interim assessments in a sentence
Interim assessments shall be allowed as offsets to future assessments.
Interim assessments will allow teachers to effectively assess students’ skill needs and target instruction and support to address specific deficiencies.
PUC has access to two additional resources for providing formative assessments, the CAASPP Interim tests in Math and English Language Arts, and the Illuminate assessment system which can be utilized across other subjects as well.The CAASPP Interim assessments come in three types: Interim Comprehensive Assessments, Interim Assessment Blocks, and Focused Interim Assessment Blocks.
Interim assessments will be scored and analyzed by teachers directly in the CAASPP system.
Interim assessments will use a combination of assessments from EngageNY and teacher‐created assessments using exemplars issued by the state and designed to meet the rigor of the CCSS.
Interim assessments will use a combination of assessments from EngageNY and teacher-created assessments using exemplars issued by the state and designed to meet the rigor of the CCSS.
Interim assessments demonstrate which standards have been learned over time, and may be predictive of performance on summative assessments.
Interim assessments may be standardized, normed against a comparative population, or judged against a set of criteria.
Interim assessments are periodic standardized tests common across all students in a grade.
Interim assessments that are specific, frequent, repetitive and recorded as raw marks will help students and teachers to see if learning is happening, and enable teachers to adapt their teaching based on this formative feedback.