Examples of Intermediate stop in a sentence
Intermediate stop procedures - (fueling, fire equipment standby, customs).
For exam- ple, if an individual accompanies an employee and the flight taken by the individual would be taxed to the em- ployee, the employee would be taxed on the special rule value of the flight by the employee and by the individual.(iii) Intermediate stop.
For example, if an individual ac- companies an employee and the flight taken by the individual would be taxed to the employee, the employee would be taxed on the special rule value of the flight by the employee and the flight by the individual.(iii) Intermediate stop.
Site of transfer (for example, airport or helicopter pad) between types of ambulance J Non-hospital-based dialysis facilityN Skilled nursing facility (SNF)P Physician’s office (includes HMO non-hospital facility, clinic, etc.) R ResidenceS Scene of accident or acute eventX Intermediate stop at physician’s office in route to the hospital (includes HMO non- hospital facility, clinic, etc.) Note: Modifier X can only be used as a designation code in the second modifier position.
In addition to early releases, SBCSD has tripled its use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) ankle bracelet tracking system.
Members of staff and pharmacists will be trained by Tameside Be Well Service in the supply and administration of NRT and complete a level 2, 1:1 Intermediate stop smoking course.
For example, if an individual ac- companies an employee and the flight taken by the individual would be taxed to the employee, the employee would be taxed on the special rule value of the flight by the employee and the flight by the individual.26 CFR Ch. I (4–1–13 Edition)(iii) Intermediate stop.
Figures Figure 1 XRD pattern of HA and CHA Figure 2 The composite of HA-CHA/Collagen/Alginate (sample B) and HA-CHA/Collagen/PVA/Alginate composites (Sample E) Figure 3 XRD Pattern of composites without PVA Figure 4 XRD pattern of composites with PVA Figure 5 Effect of scaffold-graft ratio to the crystallinity of the composites.
As per Clause B29 of the Public Health Services Contract There are no quality outcomes indicators for the other services in this contract.The following information is added to the schedule of rates table in APPENDIX E: CHARGES:Element of service Intermediate stop smoking service: Recruiting a client and providing counselling and behavioural support £10.00 per client Recording 4 week quit status after contacting the client to ascertain smoking status in person or by telephone (regardless of outcome).
Intermediate stop could be provided at Heng Fa Chuen to capitalise on the MTR station and other tourist attractions such as the Lei Yue Mun Museum of Coastal Defences.