Examples of Foster care placement in a sentence
Foster care placement provides a substitute living arrangement for a child for a planned period of time.
Foster care placement letterA copy of the letter of foster care placement issued by the county or city department of social services or authorized voluntary foster care agency.
Foster care placement letterA copy of the letter of foster care placement issued by the county or city department ofsocial services or authorized voluntary foster care agency.
After weighing options and the individual needs of the student, the Dutchess County LDSS determines that the best foster care placement for the student is with relatives who live in Sherman, CT, about 26 miles away and just across the NY/CT border.a. Foster care placement – This foster care placement, formalized in an Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) agreement, is contingent on completion of a successful home study.
Foster care placement is intended to be a temporary rather than a long-term solution to family problems.