Internal audit program definition
Examples of Internal audit program in a sentence
Internal audit program should take into account the environmental importance of the various components of the organization’s activities.
Internal audit program covers all areas of activities and periodical reports are submitted to the management and a quarterly internal audit report is placed before the Audit Committee for its review and the Internal Auditor will also be present.
In massive houses made of brick, concrete or stone, the gamma-rays emitted outdoors are efficiently absorbed by the walls and the indoor absorbed dose rate depends mainly on the activity concentrations of the natural radionuclides in the building materials.
Internal audit program requirements have improved, with much better issue latency.
IAD has two wings, one of which covers internal audit of PKSF and the other one – internal audit of POs. Internal audit program of PKSF is focused on financial transactions, and departments of PKSF are audited twice a year.
The Company has also put in place a well defined organization structure, clear authority levels and internal guidelines for conduction of business transactions.M/s Price Water House Coopers conducts company’s Internal audit program which supplements the Company’s internal control systems.
The Company has also put in place a well-defined organization structure, clear authority levels and internal guidelines for conduction of business transactions.M/s Price Water House Coopers conducts company’s Internal audit program which supplements the Company’s internal control systems.
Internal audit program evaluation and reporting of implementation adequacy, significant findings, and problem resolution status.
Assessment focus: - Management system structure.- Rules for approval of policies and instructions.- Implementation of policies.- Application of requirements for competence, procedures for qualification and monitoring of personnel involved in conformity assessment activities.- Internal audit program.
All ARCC decisions must be referred to the Board for approval other than decisions relating to coverage of the Internal audit program.