Examples of International Data Centre in a sentence
The Treaty provides for a global verification regime, including a network of 321 stations worldwide, a communication system, an International Data Centre and on-site inspections to monitor compliance with the Treaty.
These stations shall provide data in accordance with agreed procedures to the International Data Centre.
The Treaty provides for a global verification regime, including a network of 321 stations worldwide, a communication system, an International Data Centre and On-site Inspections (OSI) to monitor compliance with the Treaty.
The network shall provide data in accordance with agreed procedures to the International Data Centre.
All certified laboratories shall provide the results of such analysis to the International Data Centre, and in so doing shall fulfil the technical and operational requirements specified in the Operational Manual on Radionuclide Monitoring and the International Exchange of Radionuclide Data.
The International Data Centre shall apply on a routine basis automatic processing methods and interactive human analysis to raw International Monitoring System data in order to produce and archive standard International Data Centre products on behalf of all States Parties.
The International Monitoring System shall comprise facilities for seismological monitoring, radionuclide monitoring including certified laboratories, hydroacoustic monitoring, infrasound monitoring, and respective means of communication, and shall be supported by the International Data Centre of the Technical Secretariat.
The volumes and formats of data shall be set out in the Operational Manual for the International Data Centre.
The International Data Centre shall carry out, at no cost to States Parties, special studies to provide in-depth, technical review by expert analysis of data from the International Monitoring System, if requested by the Organization or by a State Party, to improve the estimated values for the standard signal and event parameters.
The International Data Centre shall provide States Parties with open, equal, timely and convenient access to all International Monitoring System data, raw or processed, all International Data Centre products, and all other International Monitoring System data in the archive of the International Data Centre or, through the International Data Centre, of International Monitoring System facilities.