Examples of Inventory of Historic Resources in a sentence
HISTORIC RESOURCE(S)Any site, structure, ruin, landscape feature or other object included in the Westtown Township Inventory of Historic Resources or listed in the National Register of Historic Places or determined eligible for such listing by the Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission.
Six properties on or near the campus have been recorded with the California Inventory of Historic Resources.
Area ‘B’ contains the Strathcona Public Market building, a building on the Inventory of Historic Resources in Edmonton.
RC Policy I1.1.3: Encourage the protection of cultural and archaeological sites with potential for placement on the National Register of Historic Places and/or inclusion in the California Inventory of Historic Resources.
Properties are also listed on the California Points of Historical Interest (1992) and the California Inventory of Historic Resources (1978).
Such deductions shall be made in equal amounts biweekly, beginning the first payroll period after receipt of the authorization card by the College.
The Inventory of Historic Resources was initially compiled by the Historical Commission based upon criteria set forth in Resolution No. 05-22.
There are no cultural resources within the project area listed in the NRHP, the CRHR, California Points of Historical Interest, California Inventory of Historic Resources or the California State Historic Landmarks.
In addition to this research effort, the following sources were consulted:• National Register of Historic Places• California Register of Historic Places• California Inventory of Historic Resources (1976 and updates)• California State Points of Historic Interest (1992 and updates),• California State Historical Landmarks (1996 and updates)• California State and Local Bridge Surveys• Office of Historic Preservation’s Historical Property Data File.
Sources reviewed included: the National Register of Historic Places; the California Register of Historical Resources; California Points of Historical Interest; California Inventory of Historic Resources; California Historical Landmarks; Directory of Properties in the Historic Property Data Files for Trinidad County; and Archaeological Determinations of Eligibility.