Inventory definition
Examples of Inventory in a sentence
Inventory levels will be to the standards acceptable to the Department.
References to the ‘Fixtures and Fittings’ mean any of the Landlord’s contents, including all items contained in the Inventory and signed on behalf of the parties at the commencement of the Agreement or any items replacing them, including reference to any of the fixtures, fittings, furnishings or effects, floor, ceiling and wall coverings.
The recipient shall submit an annual Inventory Report, to be received no later than October 31 of each year, which lists all reportable non-exempt equipment and/or Federally-owned property in its custody as of September 30.
The Gateway Solution, which requires communications software, internal IT support, an alignment of underlying processes and is for products which required Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) with sophisticated transaction details.
The Seller shall install and use the GS1 Hong Kong’s (a new name of Hong Kong Article Numbering Association) Web-based EZ*TRADE or the Gateway Solution to receive the HA Purchase Orders, send Purchase Order Acknowledgements and other information on Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) electronically with the Hospital Authority’s Enterprise Resources Planning System (ERPS).