Examples of Investigative hearing in a sentence
An Investigative hearing was held on September 15, 2011 where Grievant and her Union representative were allowed to present her version of the August 15, 2011 incidents.34 On September 21, 2011, the Employer notified Grievant of their intent to suspend her for 20 days and issue a Final Warning.
HEARINGS (Investigative) 1848 Investigative hearing transcripts – major investigations Transcripts of investigative hearings for major arson, attempted murder, conspiracy to murder, extortion, importing/exporting dangerous drugs, manslaughter, murder, perversion of the course of justice, production/trafficking of dangerous drugs, and wilful damage (s.469 (1–2) of the Criminal Code) investigations.
Investigative hearing When the Union and the employee are notified of the as per Article above, an into the incident shall be scheduled within five (5) days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and statutory holidays as applicable) of the being known.
If the members of the Honor Investigative hearing determine that a cadet violated the Code, then they provide input to the Superintendent for disposition of the case.
Investigative hearing in preventing acts of terrorism (pro-active) – If the aim of the investigative hearing is to prevent an act of terrorism and time is of the essence the reasoning for an investigative hearing is clear and acceptable as presented in the Bill.
Inter-sector and inter-sphere cooperation and collaboration will be facilitated, and the service delivery model will be adapted (Annual Performance Plan 6).Despite the positive reports and plans of the DRDLR, the South African Human Rights Commission conducted an investigative hearing into land restitution matters at the end of 2013 (SAHRC Report of the SAHRC: Investigative hearing: Monitoring and investigating systemic challenges affecting land restitution in South Africa (30 July 2014) 45-50).
Investigative hearing in investigating and/or building a case (retro-active) – If an investigative hearing is used with the intention of building a case in reaction to an act associated with terrorism without a time constrain, clearer justifications should be presented in justifying the Court’s involvement.
You must ensure that all your witnesses are present at the Investigative hearing, if you wish any wit nesses to be subpoenaed, you are requested to provide full particulars of the witnesses (full name and physical address) to the ACEO of the Commission, as duly designated.