Examples of Investigators in a sentence
The Principal Investigator(s) of the Project shall be: insert full name of PI, of Department, Dalhousie University.
The Investigators Panel’s secretariat or investigators generally do not participate in the meet- ings, unless otherwise provided by the Code of Procedure for ENLI.
SALARIES BY JOB CLASSIFICATION Listed herein are all those Alameda County job classifications represented by the Alameda County Welfare Fraud Investigators Association in Representation Unit 064.
Any change to this Project, including the identity of the Principal Investigator(s) as specified in Section 2 of the original Agreement will be made effective only by a written amendment to this Work Authorization signed by both parties.
ASSOCIATION ACCESS TO NEW EMPLOYEE ORIENTATION AB 119 The County of Alameda (“County”) and the Alameda County Welfare Fraud Investigators Association (“ACWFIA”) have met and conferred and reached agreement on this Sideletter of Agreement (“Agreement”) to the Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) regarding the implementation of the California Assembly Bill (“AB”) 119, Government Code Sections 3555-3559 (union access to new employee orientation).