Examples of Iowa ABLE savings plan trust in a sentence
The general assembly finds that becoming a contracting state may accomplish the public purpose set forth in section 12I.1, subsection 1, in the same manner as if the qualified ABLE program under the Iowa ABLE savings plan trust were to be implemented and administered by this state.
Enter into agreements with contracting states to permit residents of the contracting state to participate in the Iowa ABLE savings plan trust.
For federal income tax purposes, the Iowa ABLE savings plan trust shall be considered a qualified ABLE program exempt from taxation pursuant to section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code and shall be operated so that it meets the requirements of section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code.
Fionn Chapin is a three-year-old who is allergic to tree nuts and peanuts.
Any amounts which may be paid to any person or persons pursuant to the Iowa ABLE savings plan trust but which are not listed inthis section are owned by the trust.
A number of these results (particularly the IV reuse weaknesses described in Section 3) have been anticipated in earlier indepen- dent work by Simon et.
The purpose of these rules is to provide for the administration and operation of the Iowa ABLE savings plan trust.
Of the funds appropriated in this section, $100,00046 6 $200,000 shall be transferred to and deposited in the46 7 administrative fund of the Iowa ABLE savings plan trust46 8 created in section 12I.4, to be used for implementation and46 9 administration activities of the Iowa ABLE savings plan trust.
According to Eq (4), two protons H+ are then formed, leading to a decrease in the pH of the washing liquid.
The Iowa ABLE savings plan trust was created so that individuals can contribute funds on behalf of designated beneficiaries into accounts administered by the treasurer of state.