Examples of IP Supplement in a sentence
The IP Supplement proposes two systems, a mutual forwarding system and a common gateway system (para.
Furthermore, given the comprehensive and complex nature of the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Secured Transactions, a concise proposal for harmonization regarding the key aspects relating specifically to security12 Id., at 13313 Recommendations 243-248, The UNCITRAL IP Supplement, at 16114 The UNCITRAL IP Supplement, at 2115 The UNCITRAL IP Supplement, at 116 Id. interests on intellectual property seems highly desirable.
The UNCITRAL IP Supplement was created in cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organisation ( WIPO).
The UNCITRAL IP Supplement was created on the basis of the WIPO Questionnaire.
The content of this paragraph largely relies on the analysis provided in the IP Supplement with regard to transaction costs incurred to ensure the third-party effectiveness and priority of a security right in intellectual property, using hypothetical cases (para.
Finally, the Annex II to the UNCITRAL IP Supplement contains the decision of UNCITRAL on the adoption of the UNCITRAL IP Supplement, whereby UNCITRAL recommends to all States that they utilize that supplement when revising or adopting legislation in the areas with which the UNICTRAL IP Supplement is concerned.
The content in this paragraph largely relies on the analysis provided in the IP Supplement with regard to transaction costs, using a hypothetical case (para.
The IP Supplement is discussed by Naoko Ono, “Chiteki Zaisan no Tanposei: Torihiki to iu sokumen kara mita Chiteki Zaisanhō Seido no Genjō to Kadai [1, 2]” (Security nature of intellectual property: Current situation and challenges of the intellectual property law viewed from the aspect of transactions [1, 2]), Hitotsubashi Hogaku (The Hitotsubashi journal of law and international studies), Vol.
Grantor has caused this IP Supplement to be duly executed and delivered by its duly authorized officer as of .
Repealing the section removes unnecessary complexity from the PPS Act and is consistent with Recommendation 243 of the UNCITRAL Guide to Secured Transactions – IP Supplement.