Irish National Numbering Scheme definition

Irish National Numbering Scheme. A scheme operated by the regulatory authority for the
Irish National Numbering Scheme means a scheme operated by the regulatory authority for the allocation of number ranges for telecommunications services.
Irish National Numbering Scheme. A scheme operated by the regulatory authority for the allocation of number ranges for telecommunications services. “Supplemental Agreement” Means a supplemental Agreement which is governed by the terms of this Agreement, specifying the details of the Service and associated commercial terms, Minimum Period of Service and Charges.

Examples of Irish National Numbering Scheme in a sentence

  • After closing arguments, the court orders the jury to retire to the jury room for deliberation.

  • This is the function within ComReg which carries out management of the Irish National Numbering Scheme.

  • Numbering Plan Management (NPM)This is the function within ComReg which carries out management of the Irish National Numbering Scheme.

  • National Numbering ConventionsThe National Numbering Conventions (abbreviated to the „Conventions‟) is the set of „rules‟ under which the Irish National Numbering Scheme is managed and administered.

Related to Irish National Numbering Scheme

  • Data Universal Numbering System+4 (DUNS+4) number means the DUNS number means the number assigned by D&B plus a 4-character suffix that may be assigned by a business concern. (D&B has no affiliation with this 4-character suffix.) This 4- character suffix may be assigned at the discretion of the business concern to establish additional SAM records for identifying alternative Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) accounts (see the FAR at Subpart 32.11) for the same concern.

  • Data Universal Numbering System +4 (DUNS+4) number means the DUNS number assigned by D&B plus a 4- character suffix that may be assigned by a business concern. (D&B has no affiliation with this 4-character suffix.) This 4-character suffix may be assigned at the discretion of the business concern to establish additional SAM records for identifying alternative Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) accounts for the same parent concern.

  • Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number means the 9-digit number assigned by Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. (D&B) to identify unique business entities.

  • Local Number Portability (LNP) means the ability of users of Telecommunications Services to retain the presence of a previously existing telephone number(s).

  • Local Number Portability (“LNP”) means the ability of users of Telecommunications Services to retain, at the same location, existing telecommunications numbers without impairment of quality, reliability, or convenience when switching from one Telecommunications Carrier to another.

  • approved blood scheme means a scheme established or approved by the Secretary of State, or trust established with funds provided by the Secretary of State, for the purpose of providing compensation in respect of a person having been infected from contaminated blood products;

  • North American Numbering Plan or "NANP" means the basic numbering plan for the Telecommunications networks located in the United States as well as Canada, Bermuda, Puerto Rico, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Xxxxxxxx Islands and certain Caribbean Islands. The NANP format is a 10-digit number that consists of a 3-digit NPA code (commonly referred to as the area code) followed by a 3-digit NXX code and 4-digit line number.

  • Data Universal Number System (DUNS) Number means the 9-digit number assigned by Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. (D&B) to identify unique business entities.

  • North American Numbering Council or "NANC" means the federal advisory committee chartered by the FCC to analyze, advise, and make recommendations on numbering issues.

  • Initial Number has the meaning set forth in Section 13(B).

  • National Grid means National Grid Gas plc (Company No.2006000) whose registered office is at 1-3 Strand, London WC2N 5EH.

  • North American Numbering Plan (NANP) means the numbering architecture in which every station in the NANP Area is identified by a unique ten (10)-digit address consisting of a three (3)-digit NPA code, a three (3)-digit central office code of the form NXX, and a four (4)-digit line number of the form XXXX.

  • Protocol Number 1002-048 Protocol Title: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Group, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Bempedoic Acid (ETC-1002) 180 mg/day as Add-on to Ezetimibe Therapy in Patients with Elevated LDL-C Protocol Date: 18 January 2017 Sponsor: Esperion Therapeutics, Inc. Country where Institution is Conducting Study Czech Republic Location where the study will be conducted: Kardiologická ambulance, which is a division/part of the Institution Key Enrollment Date: 100 Calendar Days after Site Initiation Visit (being the date by which Site must enrol at least one (1) subject as more specifically set out in section 1.7 “Key Enrollment Date” below) ECMT / EC / RA ECMT: Ethics Committee Fakultni nemocnice v Motole V Uvalu 84 150 06 Xxxxx 0 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx; Mgr. xxxxxxxxxxxxx Etická komise Nemocnice Havlíčkův Brod Husova 2624 580 22 Havlíčkův Brod RA: State Institute for Drug Control, Xxxxxxxxx 00, 000 00 Xxxxx 00 Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Investigator name, (the “Investigator”) xxxxxxxxxxxxx Číslo Protokolu: 1002-048 Název Protokolu: Randomizované, dvojitě zaslepené, placebem kontrolované multicentrické klinické hodnocení, s paralelními skupinami, posuzující účinnost a bezpečnost kyseliny bempedové (ETC 1002) 180 mg denně jako doplňku k léčbě ezetimibem u pacientů se zvýšenou hladinou LDL-C Datum Protokolu: 18. 1. 2017 Zadavatel: Esperion Therapeutics, Inc. Stát, ve kterém má sídlo Zdravotnické zařízení, které provádí Studii Česká republika Místo, kde bude prováděna Studie: Kardiologická ambulance, která je součástí/oddělením Zdravotnického zařízení Klíčové datum zařazení: 100 kalendářních dnů po Iniciační návštěvě Místa provádění klinického hodnocení (a to jakožto den, ke kterému je Místo provádění klinického hodnocení povinno zařadit minimálně jeden (1) subjekt, jak je dále podrobněji rozvedeno níže v odstavci 1.7 “Klíčové datum zařazení”) MEK / EK / SÚKL MEK: Etická komise Fakultní nemocnice v Motole V Úvalu 84 150 06 Xxxxx 0 Xxxxx xxxxxxxxx; xxxxxxxxxxxxx Etická komise Nemocnice Havlíčkův Brod Husova 2624 580 22 Havlíčkův Brod SÚKL: Státní ústav pro kontrolu léčiv, Šrobárova 48, 100 41 Xxxxx 00 Xxxxx xxxxxxxxx Jméno zkoušejícího, ( “Zkoušející”) xxxxxxxxxxxxx The following additional definitions shall apply to this Agreement: Ve Smlouvě jsou použity následující smluvní definice:

  • QUALIFIED MUNICIPAL CORPORATION means a municipal corporation that, by resolution or ordinance adopted on or before December 31, 2011, adopted Ohio adjusted gross income, as defined by section 5747.01 of the Ohio Revised Code, as the income subject to tax for the purposes of imposing a municipal income tax.

  • Classification plan means the orderly arrangement of positions within an agency into separate and distinct job families so that each job family will contain those positions which involve similar or comparable skills, duties and responsibilities [74:840 1.3].

  • Michigan national guard means that term as defined in section 105 of the Michigan military act, 1967 PA 150, MCL 32.505.

  • Registrar Agreement means the Bond Registrar Agreement between the County and the Bond Registrar, as it may be modified from the form on file with the Council Clerk and signed by the County Executive and the Fiscal Officer in accordance with Section 4.

  • Overseas treatment means treatments or appliances provided or sourced from outside of Australia. This includes treatment on cruise ships inside or outside Australian waters.

  • International Financial Institution means any bank in the top 1,000 (together with their affiliated companies) as measured by "Tier 1" capital or any broker/dealer in the top 100 as measured by capital.

  • International Student means a student holding a student visa for the purpose of obtaining an education in Australia and includes a student on a study abroad or international exchange program;

  • CDBG-DR means Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery.

  • South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state means Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.

  • International Plan means any Employee Plan that is not a US Plan.

  • collective investment scheme means any arrangements with respect to property of any description, including money, the purpose or effect of which is to enable Persons taking part in the arrangements (whether by becoming owners of the property or any part of it or otherwise) to participate in or receive profits or income arising from the acquisition, holding, management or disposal of the property or sums paid out of such profits or income.

  • Registrar General means the registrar general under the Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages Act 1962, and includes the deputy registrar general under that Act.

  • Halifax Abuse Principle means the principle explained in the CJEU Case C-255/02 Halifax and others;