Examples of Jewellery and Valuables in a sentence
Jewellery and Valuables, Works of Art, Paintings, Curios unless specifically insured.
The sum Insured for documents is over and above the sum insured applicable for Jewellery and Valuables and is shown separately in the policy schedule.
Jewellery and Valuables, Documents, Lock and Key of the Bank locker as specified in the scope of cover under respective sections.
Jewellery and Valuables against loss or damage by accident or misfortune whilst anywhere in India subject to limits of liability specified in the schedule.
Valuation Report means the report regarding the inspection, detailed inventory and market value of the Jewellery and Valuables prepared by a Government Licensed Valuer.27.
Applicable only on sections opted Section VI - Jewellery and Valuables Downloaded from www.insureatclick.com - The Company will indemnify the Insured or any member of the family as declared in the proposal in respect of loss of or damage to jewellery and valuables specified in the Schedule caused by Accident or Misfortune whilst (a) kept in a secured and locked cupboard an/or safe, (b) kept in a bank locker, (c) worn on person (for an amount not exceeding Rs.2,00,000/-).
Jewellery and Valuables means articles of personal adornment containing made of Gold or Silver or anyPrecious Metals including Diamonds or articles made from any Precious Metals, Bullions, stamp, coin or medal collections, sculptures and watches13.
Kindly note that Contents excludes Jewellery and Valuables, Works of Art, Paintings, Curios, Bonds, Cheques, Documents, Cashand Currency Notes and Coins, Credit Debit Cards., Domestic Appliances, Electrical and Electronic Equipments older than 10 years and Portable Equipments older than 5 Years.6. Standalone Cover for Jewellery & Valuables and /Or Curios, Paintings & Work of Arts cannot be Opted unless Contents are Insured.
Item 1Item 2CONTENTSSum InsuredGeneral ItemsSpecifically Declared Itemsa) Jewellery and Valuables kept at Home/ Bank Locker(Please attach a separate list with value and description, unless covered under Section 3-All Risk)b) Personal Effects of domestic employees (upto Rs.10,000/-)c) Business goods (upto Rs.1,00,000/-)d) Money (upto Rs25,000/-)e) Curios and works of art (upto Rs.15,000/-)f) Personal Effects of guest (upto Rs.30,000/-)g) Manuscript, plans, drawings etc.
Accidental loss of or damage to Jewellery and Valuables anywhere in India.