Truant definition
Examples of Truant in a sentence
Convertible Preferred Stock may be surrendered for Optional Conversion only after the Open of Business and before the Close of Business on a day that is a Business Day.
Truant students may receive less than full credit for make-up assignments and make-up tests/exams.
The school will take the appropriate disciplinary action for students who are considered truant.Habitual Truant according to IC 20-33-8-12, a child is designated as a habitual truant, who is chronically absent, by having unexcused absences from school for more than ten (10) days of school in one (1) school year.
Truant absences are counted towards a student’s ten allocated days of absences.
Truant students are at risk for many negative outcomes, including:• Educational failure;• Social isolation;• Substance abuse;• Low self-esteem;• Unwanted pregnancy;• Unemployment;• Violence;• Adult criminality and incarceration.