Examples of JOBS Plus in a sentence
When used alone, JOBS Plus includes only clients whose JOBS Plus program participation is through the Department of Human Services.
When JOBS Plus income is earned by NCP-PLS clients, count it as earned income in determining initial TANF eligibility.
JOBS Plus administered through the Oregon State Employment Department is known in chapter 461 of the Oregon Administrative Rules as Oregon Employment Department UI JOBS Plus.
Intent: The intent of JOBS Plus services is to enhance employability for clients unlikely to be hired at their current skill level for their short-term job goal.
The participant may end a JOBS Plus worksite assignment if they contact DHS with a request to end after two weeks.
JOBS Plus employers may end the worksite assignment by contacting DHS with a request.
For TANF clients, JOBS Plus is a component of the JOBS Program; for SNAP clients and noncustodial parents of children receiving TANF, it is a separate employment program.
Private employers have first priority for assignment of JOBS Plus participants; public employers may be assigned participants only when no appropriate positions exist with private employers.
DHS may not assign JOBS Plus participants to employers who have exhibited a pattern of unreasonably ending assignments prior to completion of training, or unwillingness to provide adequate training or comply with other requirements.
Payments for TANF recipients who are working (when the majority of the planned hours are for working), or in an ongoing JOBS Plus activity, are made using a Child Care Billing (CCB) form.