Joint Bid definition
Examples of Joint Bid in a sentence
Note:The form "Data on the Bidder in a Joint Bid" are to be submitted only by those bidders who bid in a joint bid, and if there is a greater number of bidders than the boxes in the table, the form should be photocopied in a sufficient number of copies, filled in and submitted for each bidder who is bidding in a joint bid.
A proposal may only be lodged on a Joint Bid Basis where all joint bid parties: a.
Initiatives at EU and Ms levels to attract women in STEM and to get trained on specific technical profiles include:High5Girls (DK), for 13-18 teenagers connected to role models,W4RES mentoring or theBeCoop tools.
Each Supplier shall acquire and upload a copy of a valid Certificate of Recognition (CORâ„¢) or Equivalent OHS Certification in the legal name of the Supplier or in the case of a joint Bid, for, and in the name of, each member of the Joint Bid Team.
In the event that the abandoning or remaining Member Association(s) declare(s) the intention to continue the first phase of the Bidding Process with a single Bid or Joint Bid pursuant to Clause 12.5.3 (iii) above, FIFA shall determine as to whether, and by which reasonable deadlines, such Member Association(s) shall provide FIFA with any such documents or information, or take any actions, as may be deemed necessary by FIFA to fulfil the requirements under this Bidding Registration.