Karst feature definition
Examples of Karst feature in a sentence
Soil and/or mud are removed from the sidewalls of the Karst feature so that rock is exposed on all sides.
The main intersection storm sewer will be improved upon but not reconstructed.- Inlet sumps will need to be maintained annually.- Ashauer will look into whether boat trailer parking could be prohibited along the Hwy.- The sinkhole in front of the school is a Karst feature that cannot be filled/capped according to the DNR.
Karst feature originally identified during design phase was larger than anticipated once exposed during construction.
Karst feature density created using the Point Density Tool on the Normalized Feature-to-Point Layer from Model D, Displayed Over a LiDAR Hillshade.The Point Density Tool creates a dataset of stretched values that display the density of karst features across the study area (Figure 14).
Karst feature distances to these variables, collectively termed “formative variables”, were compiled into histograms.