Clearing and Grubbing definition

Clearing and Grubbing means the removal of all surface objects, brush, roots and other protruding obstructions, trees and stumps which result in the removal of topsoil or the alteration of grade of the land;
Clearing and Grubbing means the removal of tree stumps, shrubs, trash, and dirt piles before excavation of a site.
Clearing and Grubbing means the removal of trees, shrubs, bushes, windfalls and all other materials from above and below the natural ground surface. This activity removes vegetative ground cover, removes top soil, andremoves/disturbs root mat. Except in those cases where specifically approved by a grading permit , “grubbing” for the removal of stumps and roots shall not exceed 18” below the original surface of the ground.

Examples of Clearing and Grubbing in a sentence

  • At least one field assessment visit is to be attended by the District Landscape Architect.The Result of the Field Assessments(s) will determine the course of action for Selective Clearing and Grubbing and the extent of the Vegetation Survey under Task 2.10.

  • It is understood the contractor will be responsible for coordination with an arborist for the care of vegetation during construction and during root and branch pruning, however, the CONSULTANT should be knowledgeable in arboricultural practices to the extent that they are able to deliver detailed and informed Selective Clearing and Grubbing Plans.

  • Will utilize the information collected from the Vegetation Survey and information collected under task 4.12 for Selective Clearing and Grubbing.

  • After completion of the work required under Section 201 Clearing and Grubbing, and Section 202 Removal of Structures and Obstructions, the embankment foundation shall be prepared.

  • All injuries to the limbs, bark and roots of such plants shall be repaired in accordance with ANSI A300 Part 1 Standard Practices Pruning and ANSI Z133.1 Arboricultural Operations Safety.Improvement of vegetated areas shall be completed in any area before any planting, seeding or other landscape work is begun in that area unless otherwise approved.All wood, stumps, brush and other debris resulting from the work shall be disposed of as specified in Section 201 Clearing and Grubbing.

More Definitions of Clearing and Grubbing

Clearing and Grubbing means moving, removing, displacing, and/or stockpiling, by manual or mechanical means, any healthy trees, vegetation and/or the top organic layer of a site. The top organic layer shall be that described in the geotechnical report for the site. In the absence of a geotechnical report the organic layer shall not be less than eight inches (8”) thick.
Clearing and Grubbing means the removal of unwanted growth, in the form of trees, wood, shrub, brush, or stumps on site.
Clearing and Grubbing means the removal of vegetation by cutting and digging up roots and stumps.
Clearing and Grubbing means moving or removing by manual or mechanical means trees, vegetation and/or the top four (4) inches or greater of soil.
Clearing and Grubbing means the The removal from the soil surfaceand disposal of trees, stumps, brush, roots, grass cover, vegetation, logs, rubbish, existing structures, or waste materials by grading or other methods that result in disturbance of the soil, in preparation for right-of-way or other construction or development activitiesand other objectionable matter from the designated or permitted areapreparation of right-of-way. Cluster Development means a confined area of housing or commercial development that is separated from other development areas by undeveloped land. Collector Street A street or road providing for travel between local streets and the arterial street network, or serving multifamily development or neighborhood centers or services such as schools, parks, or fire stations.
Clearing and Grubbing. – means the removal of vegetation, and surface debris. “City” - means the City of Lompoc, or the City Council of the City of Lompoc. “Compaction” – means the densification of a fill by mechanical means.
Clearing and Grubbing means the removal of vegetation (grass, brush, trees, and similar plant types) by mechanical means.